Best Warzone H4 Blixen Loadouts And Attachments

Best Warzone H4 Blixen Loadouts And Attachments
Images via Activision

Written by 

Coleman Hamstead


25th May 2022 13:58

The best Warzone H4 Blixen loadouts take advantage of the gun's unique traits. The H4 Blixen, Warzone's new Season 3 Reloaded weapon, is a slow-firing - but hard-hitting - SMG with extended range. With the right attachments, Perks, and equipment, you can design a Warzone H4 Blixen loadout capable of success at close, medium, and long-range.

How To Unlock The H4 Blixen In Warzone And Vanguard

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Like most new Call of Duty guns, unlocking the H4 Blixen is tied to completing a challenge. To unlock the H4 Blixen in Warzone and Vanguard, you must get three Slide Kills in a single match 15 times.

While not the most difficult challenge, it's certainly tedious. Slide Kills are classified as kills achieved mid slide. Conveniently, the challenge does not specify that you have to finish the match in question to receive credit. To make efficient use of your time, consider leaving and starting a new match as soon as you secure three Slide Kills.

You can earn credit toward the H4 Blixen unlock challenge in both Warzone and Vanguard. The challenge is substantially easier to complete in Vanguard, but the Plunder and Clash playlists on Warzone are reasonable substitutes.

Alternatively, the H4 Blixen is unlockable through the purchase of a Store Bundle to be released at a later date.

Best Warzone H4 Blixen Loadouts: CQC Machine

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The below loadout maximizes the H4 Blixen's firepower, speed, and ammo capacity with minimal penalties to accuracy. The Removed Stock combined with Fleet and Quick will have you flying around Caldera. Equipping the Recoil Booster muzzle, Lengthened ammo, and the Jönsson 9" RMK barrel boost the H4 Blixen's fire rate, damage, and range to new heights. Finally, the M1941 Hand Stop and Fabric Grip provide moderate boosts to key categories like accuracy, aim down sight speed and sprint to fire speed.

Altogether, this Warzone H4 Blixen loadout is designed for those confident in their abilities. If you can handle the recoil and the below-average accuracy, this H4 Blixen loadout sports one of the fastest time-to-kills in Warzone

  • Muzzle: Recoil Booster
  • Barrel: Jönsson 9" RMK 
  • Optic: Slate Reflector
  • Stock: Removed Stock
  • Underbarrel: M1941 Hand Stop
  • Magazine: 9mm 72 Round Mags
  • Ammunition: Lengthened
  • Rear Grip: Fabric Grip
  • Perk 1: Fleet
  • Perk 2: Quick


Best Warzone H4 Blixen Loadouts: Nice And Easy

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Struggling to handle the H4 Blixen's odd recoil pattern? Well, there are attachments that can help with that. This Warzone H4 Blixen loadout isn't as powerful as the former, but it's far more capable at range and easier to handle.

Equipping the Önsson Skeletal CR-10 over the Removed Stock and replacing the Jönsson 9" RMK with the Bergström 17" F3 will have you feeling like a slug speed-wise, but you'll receive massive boosts to accuracy, flinch resistance, and recoil control. Tack on the Polymer Grip and M1929 Silencer and any recoil on the H4 Blixen will feel nonexistent.

  • Muzzle: M1929 Silencer
  • Barrel: Bergström 17" F3
  • Optic: Slate Reflector
  • Stock: Önsson Skeletal CR-10
  • Underbarrel: M1941 Hand Stop
  • Magazine: 9mm 72 Round Mags
  • Ammunition: Lengthened
  • Rear Grip: Polymer Grip
  • Perk 1: Fleet
  • Perk 2: Quick

Best Warzone H4 Blixen Loadouts: Perks And Equipment

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Why not try the new Warzone Serpentine perk on your H4 Blixen loadout? While sprinting, Serpentine reduces incoming damage from bullets, explosives, and fire by 20%. When using a mobile SMG like the H4 Blixen, it's not uncommon to get caught sprinting by opponents lying in wait. With Serpentine, you'll be able to eat some extra bullets and even survive stray sniper bullets that would otherwise take you out.

Ghost is a prime choice for the Perk 2 slot. The Ghost Perk will keep you invisible from those pesky Heartbeat Sensors and allow you to roam the map more freely without fear of campers.

Finally, it's hard to go wrong with Combat Scout. While powerful and accurate, the H4 Blixen has the slowest rate of fire of all the SMGs. With this in mind, it's not unusual for enemies to dodge behind a corner or escape into another room before you can finish them off. With Combat Scout, you'll know exactly where to look for your wounded prey.

As for equipment, Stims will allow you to sustain your health through multiple gunfights and outlast your ill-equipped opposition. On the Lethal side, Throwing Knives serve as great tools for finishing off downed opponents. Instead of wasting time and ammunition on down-but-not-out players, quickly toss a Throwing Knife to send them to the Gulag. 

  • Perk 1: Serpentine
  • Perk 2: Ghost
  • Perk 3: Combat Scout
  • Secondary: Diamatti
  • Lethal: Throwing Knife
  • Tactical: Stim

You now have everything you need to create the best Warzone H4 Blixen loadout. With the right set-up, the H4 Blixen may soon be in consideration for a spot in one of the best Warzone loadouts all-around.


Coleman Hamstead
About the author
Coleman Hamstead
Coleman is a freelance journalist at GGRecon. While gaming has always been his passion, it wasn’t until he worked as a Sports Journalist at the Community College of Baltimore County that he found his enthusiasm for writing. In the time since Coleman has had his work featured in publications such as The Washington Post/Launcher and ESTNN. Coleman is a graduate of Towson University with a degree in Sport Management and Business Administration.
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