Battlefield 2042 Scoreboard: How To Access The Scoreboard

Battlefield 2042 Scoreboard: How To Access The Scoreboard
Image: EA

Written by 

Aaron Bayne


15th Nov 2021 10:45

The Battlefield 2042 scoreboard is certainly something we never thought we'd have to discuss. However, as players dug into Battlefield 2042 in early access, one major question was on everyone's mind: where is the scoreboard? It's been a few months since then, and with a new year we get a new scoreboard - or an old scoreboard finally brought into the new game. Better late than never. There is a lot different about Battlefield 2042, and the scoreboard is just one of the many changes. But we know how much players love to see where they are ranking amid their fellow soldiers. Here's everything you need to know about the Battlefield 2042 scoreboard, including its location and why it's different. 

Battlefield 2042 Scoreboard: How It's Different

A scoreboard showing off kills and squad ranking.
Click to enlarge

The Battlefield 2042 scoreboard isn't your typical scoreboard. In fact, the new scoreboard is more of a measurement of squad score than individual performance. On the right of the screen you can see your own personal kill/death ratio (K/D), including the amount of assists, revives, captures and defences, including the ribbons you have been awarded so far. 

On the left side of the board you have the squad rankings. These will show you the amount of kills, assists, and revives that each squad have earned, along with their current standing. This is ranked for the entire player base, instead of having a scoreboard for individual teams. You will also be able to see which sectors have been captured, the overall score, and how many sector points and deaths each team has had. 

This is already proving to be somewhat controversial, with many players baffled by the new scoreboard design. Players can see the kills, assists, and revives of members in their squad, but cannot see their deaths. While a seemingly small omissions, it still removes a certain aspect of the competitive spirit of Battlefield. Clearly EA and DICE are keen to put a harder emphasis on squad play with their new Battlefield 2042 scoreboard.


Since the controversy of this choice blew up, EA and DICE have been reworking the leaderboard system, and in February, players will be able to access the new leaderboard which displays more information, including their K/D ratio.

Battlefield 2042 Scoreboard: How To Access It

Someone uses a wingsuit to fly towards a rocket.
Click to enlarge

If you are wondering how to find the Battlefield 2042 scoreboard, don't worry, it isn't immediately obvious. In previous entries, it could be found by going into the pause menu and selecting the scoreboard, but that isn't the case here. On Xbox and PlayStation, players can check out the scoreboard by holding the options button. This will allow you to look at the scoreboard, without having to pause the game. For PC, players just have to press Tab to check out the new Battlefield 2042 scoreboard. This will remain the same after the new scoreboard update hits, and players will be able to access more relevant information. 

Now you know where to find the Battlefield 2042 scoreboard. Why not check out our guide to the Battlefield 2042 specialists


Aaron Bayne
About the author
Aaron Bayne
Aaron is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He’s written for sites such as BBC The Social, NME, Turtle Beach, and more. He’s a live-service enthusiast that loves to squad up in everything from Apex Legends to The Division 2. If he isn’t screaming at his teammates, you can still find him blubbering over The Last of Us Part II.
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