Battlefield 2042 Irish: Abilities, Loadout, And Tips

Battlefield 2042 Irish: Abilities, Loadout, And Tips
Image: EA

Written by 

Aaron Bayne


15th Nov 2021 15:22

The Battlefield 2042 Irish specialist has defensive abilities that work in a myriad of situations. Battlefield 2042 is composed of enormous maps, meaning a specialist that can work in both long and close range is a must. As one of ten, Irish may not be the flashiest of the specialists, but you'll see the effects of his abilities all over. Here's everything you need to know about Battlefield 2042 Irish including his abilities, loadout and some tips. 

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Battlefield 2042 Irish: Abilities

A soldier called Irish is shown on screen with his abilities detailed on the left.
Click to enlarge

Battlefield 2042 Irish is of the Engineer class, and as such comes with a choice of two defensive options. The first is his DC-2 Deployable Cover, which will deflect incoming fire, and the other is his APS-36 Shootdown Sentinel, which works like the Trophy System from Warzone, by intercepting incoming grenades or missiles. Additionally, Irish has the Veteran perk, which allows him to carry and recover additional armour. 

Battlefield 2042 Irish: Loadout

An SMG loadout, with a PBX-45 sitting on a crate.
Click to enlarge

Battlefield 2042 Irish can really be played at all ranges thanks to his deployable cover. Fancy scoping things out from a distance? Plop down some cover and pick up the DM7 or SVK, or if you are going a little further back the SWS-10 Sniper Rifle. 

However, Irish is also great for close quarters, where SMGs like the K30 or PBX-45 can really pop off. In close range instances such as this, you'll want to utilise Irish's APS-36 Shootdown Sentinel, so you can run around buildings without the worry of being bombarded with grenades and missiles. While the Med Pen or IBA Armour Plate can be great for dealing with multiple enemies, the Recoilless M5 is almost mandatory considering the heavy vehicle presence near and around capture points - and Irish does come stocked with 10 points of armour anyway. To counter your lack of health benefits, the Prox Sensor can give you the heads-up for any approaching enemies on your mini-map. 

Battlefield 2042 Irish: Tips

A player hides behind a deplyable cover.
Click to enlarge

Battlefield 2042 Irish may be a great defensive character with his ABS-36 and the deployable cover, but he is also a fantastic offence. Using his cover to take a moment to heal up can be great for when you are pushing across open plains. Don't be afraid to use up your two covers as well, as these have a cooldown period and eventually restock. 

While you have your cover up, don't just use it to hide from enemy fire. The clear bullet-proof screen means that you can easily scope out your area. By doing this you can take measured and calculated peaks to pick off those pinning you down. 

An easy thing to forget between the cover and ABS-36, is that both are immediately equipped. Holding down the customise button with the cover equipped will allow you to switch to the ABS-36. The two useable slots are shared, so you won't get to use two of each. Another downside to the ABS-36 is that it can't be stacked on vehicles, which has become a popular defence method in Warzone. 

That's everything you need to know about Battlefield 2042 Irish. Why not check out all of the other Battlefield 2042 Specialists in our guide. 


Aaron Bayne
About the author
Aaron Bayne
Aaron is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He’s written for sites such as BBC The Social, NME, Turtle Beach, and more. He’s a live-service enthusiast that loves to squad up in everything from Apex Legends to The Division 2. If he isn’t screaming at his teammates, you can still find him blubbering over The Last of Us Part II.
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