Apex Legends Season 14: Everything We Know So Far

Apex Legends Season 14: Everything We Know So Far
Images via Respawn

Written by 

Tarran Stockton


27th Jul 2022 09:41

Apex Legends Season 14 isn't too far away as of writing this, so many fans are wondering when exactly it's set to drop and what new content it will add to the game. Since its launch back in 2019, Apex Legends has had 13 different seasons which have added new legends to play as, new maps, game modes, weapons, and more. New seasons also typically come with game changes and fixes, making each season feel different from the last. We don't have all the information on Apex Legends Season 14 yet, but here's a breakdown of everything we know so far as it draws closer to release.

Apex Legends Season 14 Release Date

Apex Legends Season 14 Release Date
Click to enlarge

We now have an exact release date for Apex Legends Season 14, which is August 9. Initially, we made an educated guess that it will launch sometime in August 2022, which turned out be correct. The current season's battle pass is set to expire on August 8, so players won't have to wait long after for the new season's content. 

Apex Legends Season 14 Vantage

Apex Legends Season 14 Vantage
Click to enlarge

The upcoming Season 14 of Apex Legends will also add a brand-new character, expanding the roster to 22 playable legends. Thanks to Apex leaker ThordanSmash, we know that the newest character will go by the name Vantage, and they are supposed to be a reconnaissance specialist, who is adept at sniping enemies and comes with a kit of offensive abilities. 


Lore-wise, their background is supposed to involve the character of Bloodhound, but we'll certainly find out more about the character's backstory when they're revealed and likely given a cinematic introduction. The leaks also detailed their abilities, which we go over in our Apex Legends Vantage guide, which were later confirmed. 

  • We also have an explainer on how to see Apex Legends Predator List, so you can check out the best ranked players in the world. 

Apex Legends Season 14 Changes

ThordanSmash also revealed that a big change is set to be made to controller aim assist, as many players in the community have been unhappy with how powerful it is for some time. The YouTuber discovered that values have been altered for custom lobbies, leading many to believe the devs are testing it for a full change to the system. John Larson, the Apex Live Balance Designer, did reveal back in January that the team was looking into the aim assist issues, so it seems plausible that these changes could come in the next season. 

We also know there are set to be changes to the game's level cap, which will be increasing. The rumour is that it will be as high as 700, but we still don't have an exact confirmation, except for the message on the Apex Legends website which reads, "aim for staggering heights with the new Level Cap increase." 

One of the largest changes will be coming to King's Canyon, which is set to get a mix-up. The page for the new update on the Apex Legends website calls it "reforged King's Canyon," stating, "time changes everything, and King's Canyon is no exception. What will rise from the ashes of the past?" 

That's all we know about Apex Legends Season 14 so far, but make sure to check back as we learn more information. 

You can also take part in the Apex Legends Awakening Collection event right now, as it began on June 21. 

Tarran Stockton
About the author
Tarran Stockton
Tarran Stockton is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He started his career writing video game reviews for his college newspaper, and studied Media and Communication at the University of Leicester. These days you can find him cranking his FOV up to 100 and playing retro shooters until hand cramp sets in.
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