Apex Legends Patch 1.87: All Update And Patch Notes

Apex Legends Patch 1.87: All Update And Patch Notes
Images: EA

Written by 

Tarran Stockton


28th Jan 2022 14:02

Apex Legends Patch 1.87 is the newest update that hit the battle royale on January 27, and it's set to make a few changes to the game. It adds a litany of bug fixes, general improvements, and performance enhancements to Apex Legends. Apex Legends surprise dropped nearly three years ago now, and has gone on to become one of the most played games of all time. If you want to know what it's in Apex Legends Patch 1.87, we've got you covered. 

Apex Legends Patch 1.87: Patch Notes

Apex Legends Patch 1.87
Click to enlarge

This latest patch comes after the recent Patch 1.47, which added the Aftermarket Collection Event to the game, with a new limited-time mode called Flashpoint, new rewards, a Caustic heirloom, along with more. A hotfix was deployed soon after to fix some issues that arose from the update, and now Patch 1.87 is set to mend the rest of the lingering problems, like bugs and stability.

Here are the following problems being looked at for Apex Legends Patch 1.87 according to the official Trello board:

  • Wraith ultimate disappearing when deployed close to Harvester wall
  • Some players are reporting that the final day Treasure Pack is not granting any of the items
  • Bugs related to Rampage charging VFX, UI inconsistencies

Aside from these specific issues, the patch is also set to resolve various stability and performance issues across a range of hardware. This includes optimisation tweaks and other minor fixes for difficulties effecting the game.

This patch comes just in time for Season 12 of Apex Legends, which is supposed to kick off on February 8. The new season will come with a range of huge changes that we'll specify in a future guide, but most important is the introduction of new Legend Mad Maggie. 

If you want to know all the upcoming changes in the next season, then check our primer on Apex Legends Season 12.

Tarran Stockton
About the author
Tarran Stockton
Tarran Stockton is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He started his career writing video game reviews for his college newspaper, and studied Media and Communication at the University of Leicester. These days you can find him cranking his FOV up to 100 and playing retro shooters until hand cramp sets in.
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