You Can Officially Play DOOM Inside Of DOOM

You Can Officially Play DOOM Inside Of DOOM
id Software | kgsws

Written by 

Joseph Kime


13th Jul 2022 13:31

DOOM has become the stuff of legend for innumerable reasons. First of all, the 1993 classic practically invented the first-person shooter as we know it, letting players give in to hyper-violence in an early example of just how fast-paced gaming can be.

In the years since, modders and creatives have gone to incredible lengths to port the game to as many devices as possible. Smart fridges, cameras, even pregnancy tests - you name it, and it can probably run DOOM.  And now, for the first time, the self-imposed challenge has gone meta.

How Can You Play Doom Inside Of DOOM?

We've finally folded over. After years of slamming DOOM into anything we can find, we were so blinded by our ambition that we couldn't see an opportunity right in front of us. Thankfully, one hacker has found a way to make up for lost time and make DOOM playable in… DOOM.

Hacker and YouTuber kgsws has shared a full video documenting their process for building a way to play the original DOOM in the DOS-based version of DOOM 2. Better yet, it even comes with its own DOOM-themed movie theater in the game to show off their true hacking prowess. But kgsws doesn't stop there.

DOOM Can Run Heretic Too (Apparently)

Not only can the hacker be seen running the game inside itself, they also take the hack for a victory lap of sorts by also managing to get Heretic and Asteroids working on the in-game cinema screen too. It looks like we haven't seen the true possibilities of this hack yet, and even so, it's immensely impressive.

We don't know why we're obsessed with playing DOOM on platforms we didn't know we could, and only recently, we showed how it (apparently) made its way onto a McDonald's kiosk. Later titles haven't found the same fame of leaping onto other devices, but with DOOM 3 being panned, why would you want to? Still, we're sad about that version of the canned DOOM 4 we'll never see

It's about time we had the chance to play DOOM inside of DOOM - although next time, playing DOOM inside DOOM inside the version of DOOM on Doomguy's ship in DOOM Eternal would be pretty sick. Have we said DOOM enough?

Joseph Kime
About the author
Joseph Kime
Joseph Kime is the Trending News Journalist for GGRecon from Devon, UK. Before graduating from MarJon University with a degree in Journalism, he started writing music reviews for his own website before writing for the likes of FANDOM, Zavvi and The Digital Fix. He is host of the Big Screen Book Club podcast, and author of Building A Universe, a book that chronicles the history of superhero movies. His favourite games include DOOM (2016), Celeste and Pokemon Emerald.
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