Warzone 2 New Features: 2v2 Gulags, Proximity Chat, NPC Strongholds, And Split Circles

Warzone 2 New Features: 2v2 Gulags, Proximity Chat, NPC Strongholds, And Split Circles

Written by 

Jack Marsh


15th Sep 2022 19:34

The Call of Duty battle royale experience needed an overhaul, and Warzone 2 is flying into the LZ with some spectacular new changes. With a brand-new map comes some colossal changes including 2v2 Gulags, proximity chat, NPC strongholds, and split circles.

The Gulag Returns in Warzone 2, But As A 2v2 Experience

The Gulag. Ah, the Gulag. The equally exhilarating yet infuriating element of Warzone. It's back, and bigger than it was before. Bigger... and better? That's yet to be seen, as quite a lot has changed.

Having been eliminated from Al Mazrah, the new Warzone 2 map, players will again visit the Gulag for a chance to return to the battleground. However, this time, you'll be fighting alongside an enemy, even one you could have sent to the Gulag themselves. The developers have confirmed that the Gulag will be a 2v2 arena in Warzone 2, where you will have to eliminate the opposing team and some AI along the way.

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Let's hope that your enemy-turned-ally doesn't have a team with $20,000 in their pockets to buy them back without you... 

Warzone 2 Features Proximity Chat

Well, Gulag death comms were quite something. That good that the developers have pushed for more communication between players - both enemies and allies. Proximity chat is here.

Warzone 2 will feature proximity chat, meaning players using the in-game chat will be able to speak to their team and enemy players. 

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Don't breathe too heavily if you're going for the assassination... or do, maybe whisper a sweet nothing in their ear before sending them to the Gulag.


NPC Strongholds Offer Loot in Warzone 2

Need a little boost in Warzone 2? Low on armour and could do with a mask? NPC Strongholds have been confirmed and could be your best friend - or worst enemy.

Slightly like Blackout's zombies' elements, the NPC Strongholds will offer places to loot and better-tier items the further you dive in. You will have to battle against AI though, which shouldn't be too difficult unless you're extremely low on ammo and health, but you will make quite a lot of noise.

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Be careful making such a racket though, 3rd parties will be a nightmare. Maybe take a getaway vehicle.

Warzone Gas Circle Will Split In Three

Hmm, this one might be quite a strange adaptation to Warzone 2. The usual collapsing circle is about to change, and in some games, it can split off into three smaller circles which will then rotate towards one final section.

If the map does break into three, you could find teammates broken into different regions, having to survive until you all meet again in the final zone.

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This change won't happen in every game, but it might be best to stay quite close to your squad in Warzone 2.

Warzone 2 will be playable on November 16, although you might want to check out some early gameplay from your favourite CoD: Next streamer.


Jack Marsh
About the author
Jack Marsh
Jack is an Esports Journalist at GGRecon. He joined the team after graduating from the University of Chester, with a BA Honours degree in Journalism. Specialising in Rocket League, Call of Duty, and trending gaming news, Jack aims to bridge the gap between players and audiences with interviews and creative features, alongside breaking esports news. Having been an avid esports enthusiast since Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, he is also knowledgeable in VALORANT and League of Legends.
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