Valve Offers $1million In CS:GO Art Contest

Valve Offers $1million In CS:GO Art Contest

Written by 

Jack Marsh


22nd Jul 2021 17:25

Counter-Strike: Global Offensive (CS:GO) is all about geometry. Lining up perfect smokes with well-calculated angles, as well as perfect vectors for accurate shots, the minute mathematic details are where CS:GO is won and lost.

However, maths is boring and not for us creative folk. Now, Valve is set to reward up to ten people with $100,000, who stem from artistic backgrounds rather than number crunchers.

The developers behind CS:GO are offering up a $1,000,000 prize pool for artists who design original dream or nightmare-themed weapon finishes, to tie into their upcoming Dream & Nightmares bundles.

The successful submissions will all be granted one-tenth of the overall prize pool, and you can ever enter the event with multiple designs.

Valve's idea is for content creators to design posters that can be adapted into weapon skins, centralising around dreams and nightmares. Whether this is a beautiful paradise or creepy-crawly arachnids, anything goes. 

The competition opens on July 22, with October 21 being the final cut-off point for submissions.

Valve admitted that the projects can be worked on by individuals and teams, although in the cases of collaboration, the prize pool is to be split accordingly. The developers also mentioned that the same person/people can win more than once, should their designs stand out from the rest.

The only teeny-weeny catch is that you need a non-limited Steam account to enter, which is simple enough.

So, it might be time to stop the grind through the ranks, place your mouse and keyboard in a cupboard, and whip out some trusty paintbrushes.


Jack Marsh
About the author
Jack Marsh
Jack is an Esports Journalist at GGRecon. He joined the team after graduating from the University of Chester, with a BA Honours degree in Journalism. Specialising in Rocket League, Call of Duty, and trending gaming news, Jack aims to bridge the gap between players and audiences with interviews and creative features, alongside breaking esports news. Having been an avid esports enthusiast since Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, he is also knowledgeable in VALORANT and League of Legends.
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