Two Fan-Favourite Game Modes Leaked For Warzone 2 And MW2 Season 2

Two Fan-Favourite Game Modes Leaked For Warzone 2 And MW2 Season 2
Infinity Ward

Written by 

Jack Marsh


6th Jan 2023 15:36

It feels like Warzone 2 has been out for an age, yet we've not really seen any progress. But, Season 1 is coming to an end and it's time for a shakeup. 

The second season of Modern Warfare 2's lifetime is set to roll out as the white rabbits of February appear. Alongside the early leaks regarding Ronin and Castle, the Japanese-themed update will bring us some franchise-favourite game modes.

Poised to arrive on February 1, leakers have now claimed that two game mode symbols have been found in the game files, with one each for Warzone and Modern Warfare 2.

Cranked Set To Arrive In Modern Warfare 2

Kicking things off in these Season 2 leaks is Cranked (not ranked, unfortunately, but Cranked). This mayhem-ensuing twist on a Team Deathmatch was first brought to us in Ghosts (2013) and has often been a popular choice for aggressive players.

Now, it's set to arrive in MW2, as leaker "BKTOOR" has found the two-wrench symbol associated with the game mode within the Season 2 files.

Taking the standard TDM game mode and adding a 30-second life timer results in a more gung-ho approach, built for SMGs and shotguns, and limits camping, which will be a popular choice for Modern Warfare 2.

Plunder Leaked For Warzone 2 Arrival

Heading over to Warzone, it's Plunder as the second game mode that we're expected to see. BKTOOR's leaks show a game symbol with a dollar sign (the objective of Plunder) and two party sizes (solo and quads).

inferring Plunder will arrive with an initial two ways to play. Many gamers have noted that MW2 feels like a weapon-levelling simulator as of late, which could also benefit from Plunder's arrival.

It sounds like a surefire mode where players often look to grind weapon levels without losing the familiarity of Al Mazrah. These leaks might have to come with a pinch of salt though, as it was previously noted that Capture The Flag was found within the original MW2 files, and we've yet to see it added. 

Jack Marsh
About the author
Jack Marsh
Jack is an Esports Journalist at GGRecon. He joined the team after graduating from the University of Chester, with a BA Honours degree in Journalism. Specialising in Rocket League, Call of Duty, and trending gaming news, Jack aims to bridge the gap between players and audiences with interviews and creative features, alongside breaking esports news. Having been an avid esports enthusiast since Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, he is also knowledgeable in VALORANT and League of Legends.
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