There Are No Tactical Nukes In Modern Warfare 2

There Are No Tactical Nukes In Modern Warfare 2
Images via Infinity Ward

Written by 

Jack Marsh


23rd Sep 2022 12:39

Modern Warfare 2 - the old one, the classic, that one from 2009 which saved our after-school boredom - was the first title to bring in the tactical nuke. This was a killstreak which revolutionised the Call of Duty franchise. Maybe it's befitting that this year's Modern Warfare 2 will be the one to lay it to rest.

The tactical nuke, or M.O.A.B., K.E.M. Strike, DNA Bomb, and V-2 Rocket as in previous games, has been a staple of the Call of Duty franchise. Tactical nukes reward players for earning the most impressive 25-kill streak (usually). m However, players have already found that the Modern Warfare 2 beta doesn't have a tactical nuke killstreak, either at 25 kills in a row, or 30.

Are Tactical Nukes In Modern Warfare 2? 

With players already getting to grips with the Modern Warfare 2 beta, finding a perfect balance between the slow "sentinel" ADS style of play and the bunny-hopping high-octane movement, the killstreaks have been rolling in.

One player has already racked up a 30-kill-streak, and to their avail, no nuke came along with it. The player reached a 30 gunstreak too, which means a killstreak without the use of other streaks like a Cruise Missile or Chopper Gunner. 

Known as "Adocts," the MW2 fan added that they're "not surprised" about the omission of a nuke, although it's not yet clear as to whether Infinity Ward could be holding it back until the game's full release.


Interestingly though, 2021's Vanguard did have a nuke activated in its beta run, with players earning V2 Rockets with a 30 gun streak in its infant state.

It's clear that Infinity Ward has held back certain aspects of the full Modern Warfare 2 experience, including a range of maps and guns, so whose to say that we might have a nuke added come October 28?

Jack Marsh
About the author
Jack Marsh
Jack is an Esports Journalist at GGRecon. He joined the team after graduating from the University of Chester, with a BA Honours degree in Journalism. Specialising in Rocket League, Call of Duty, and trending gaming news, Jack aims to bridge the gap between players and audiences with interviews and creative features, alongside breaking esports news. Having been an avid esports enthusiast since Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, he is also knowledgeable in VALORANT and League of Legends.
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