The Top Five Most Technically Skilled Fortnite Players

The Top Five Most Technically Skilled Fortnite Players

Written by 

Coleman Hamstead


28th Apr 2020 19:00

Fortnite as a game is highly technical. Sure, there are the typical strategies and tactics that we have come to expect out of a shooter. But none of that matters if a player doesn’t have the technical skill.

The building mechanic is the biggest proof of this. The evolution of building in Fortnite is unprecedented. When the game first released, building was an afterthought. Now, it is a necessity. If you can’t build, you won't win. Almost every day players are masterminding and creating new building strategies. Nowadays, every top player needs to know how to perform 90’s, edit, tunnel and more.

While building is what differentiates Fortnite, it isn't the end of the technical skill. Aim and reaction time are a couple of other examples of technical skills.

Let’s take a look at the most technically skilled Fortnite players in the game.

5. Scoped

Scoped Skin Fortnite
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Credit: @Scopedlol

Scoped is relatively new onto the pro scene. Scoped began making a name for himself toward the second half of 2019. Consistently solid placements in the Solo Cash Cups drew the eye of Fortnite superstar, Tfue. Tfue decided to take Scoped under his wing as a duo partner. In no time at all, Scoped went from being a largely unknown player to partnering with one of the most recognizable names in all of Fortnite.

Scoped did not let the opportunity go to waste — he has been dominating ever since. It is a widely known fact that controller players are starting to take over competitive Fortnite. Scoped is one of them. The man is cracked. The controller allows him to laser opponents with aimbot like precision while still being able to build with the best of them. Tfue is the brains behind the operation; shot-calling and strategizing. Scoped follows his lead and decimates the opposition with his mechanical gifts.

The partnership with Tfue has done wonders for Scoped’s career. It has given him a platform to showcase his talent with the world. In doing so, he has made a name for himself as one of the best in the game and perhaps the best controller player in all of Fortnite.


4. Benjyfishy

Scoped Skin Fortnite
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Credit: NRG Esports

Fortnite has given kids around the world the opportunity to live out their dreams. By working hard and dedicating themselves to their craft, hundreds of players have made a career off of it. Out of all of them, benjyfishy may be the hardest working.

The 16-year-old is an absolute workhorse. Many other pros will skip certain events due to travel, cost, or it simply not being worth it to them. Benjyfishy on the other hand rarely misses an event. Online or offline, benjyfishy will be there.

In Chapter 2 - Season 1, benjyfishy attended all three of the major LAN events. The England native travelled to Sweden for DreamHack Winter, Australia for the AO Summer Smash and California for DreamHack Anaheim. Additionally, benjyfishy competed in the Fortnite Champion Series and almost every single Cash Cup.

The commitment paid off. Benjyfishy won two Solo Cash Cups and placed top three in even more. Next, benjyfishy took second with his squad in the FNCS Finals. Benjyfishy was just as good on LAN. He took 11th, 13th and 11th respectively at the three offline events.

Chapter 2 - Season 2 has not been as kind to benjyfishy. Duos have just not been his forte. The newly kindled partnership between benjyfishy and Mongraal has just not worked out as expected. Still, we need to give benjyfishy the benefit of the doubt. The talent is still there and with his worth ethic, things will surely turn around soon.


3. MrSavage

Scoped Skin Fortnite
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Credit: 100 Thieves

MrSavage has been developing a reputation as one of the most technically skilled players for quite some time now. MrSavage is known for his absurd editing skills and the way he pushes the technical side of the game to its limit.

MrSavage is the reigning champ of LAN events. In recent Fortnite news, shortly after joining 100 Thieves, MrSavage took first place at DreamHack Anaheim; the most recent offline event.

MrSavage has kept the momentum rolling in Fortnite Chapter 2 - Season 2. He did quite well in the FNCS and his Solo Cash Cup performances are something to be marvelled. With the recent news that Solos will be the next FNCS format, the best may be still to come for MrSavage.


2. Andilex

Scoped Skin Fortnite
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Credit: MCES

Andilex really made a name for himself in Chapter 2. With the deep talent pool in Europe, it is hard to stand out. Multiple first-place finishes in the qualifying weeks of the Season 1 FNCS made some noise initially.

With squads over and done with, it was time for Andilex to prove himself in solos — and on LAN. That turned out to be no issue for Andilex. At DreamHack Winter, Andilex claimed second place, barely missing out on ultimate victory. Andilex went on to take sixth place in early 2020 at DreamHack Anaheim. Placing so highly on LAN among such formidable competition proved that Andilex was the real deal.

Since then, Andilex has continued his tear. One day, Andilex decided to test his luck playing the Solo Cash Cups in different regions. He ended up taking first place in EU and then second place later that day in NA-East. He has seen similar success in Duos, despite playing with multiple different partners. His technical skill is on another level right now and he just can't lose, regardless of the circumstances.

Andilex’s impressive run was topped off with a first-place finish in the Chapter 2 - Season 2 FNCS Grand Finals. Andilex would surely be number one on this list if it wasn’t for our last player.


1. Aqua

Scoped Skin Fortnite
Click to enlarge
Credit: Epic Games

The Fortnite World Cup Duos Champion comes in at number one on our list. Aqua proves time and time again that his World Cup showing was everything but a fluke.

In a game with so many variables, it is hard to define one player as “the best”. However, anyone familiar with competitive Fortnite will tell you that Aqua is the greatest Duo player in the history of Fortnite. Just take a look at Aqua’s tournament results. They are littered with top five duo event finishes, many of which were first place. Leading up to the Season 2 FNCS Grand Finals, Aqua took first place twice in the qualifying rounds and once in the Cash Cups. This all accumulated to a fourth-place finish in the Grand Finals. Trio’s isn’t an issue for Aqua either, he also won the Season X Grand Finals.

This is all topped off by Aqua's success as a solo player. Not only did aqua qualify for and win the Duos portion of the World Cup, but he also qualified for Solos, a rare feat. Aqua has carried that individual success into multiple first-place finishes in the Solo Cash Cups.

Aqua is a star all around. He excels regardless of team size or format. His consistency is unrivalled.

Aqua employs a unique strategy into his gameplay. He is always fighting for high ground. Height is perhaps the biggest advantage in all of Fortnite and Aqua almost always has it. His technical skill allows him to claim this advantage for himself despite playing in the most stacked lobbies the world has to offer.

Aqua’s gameplay and tournament placements work to prove that he is the best technical player in the game of Fortnite.


Image via Epic Games

Coleman Hamstead
About the author
Coleman Hamstead
Coleman is a freelance journalist at GGRecon. While gaming has always been his passion, it wasn’t until he worked as a Sports Journalist at the Community College of Baltimore County that he found his enthusiasm for writing. In the time since Coleman has had his work featured in publications such as The Washington Post/Launcher and ESTNN. Coleman is a graduate of Towson University with a degree in Sport Management and Business Administration.
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