Super Nintendo World Is Finally Coming To The USA

Super Nintendo World Is Finally Coming To The USA
Images via Universal Studios | Nintendo

Written by 

Tom Chapman


11th Mar 2022 09:51

Universal Studios Hollywood is planning to break new ground and add another realm to the map, as the theme park giant announces the opening of Super Nintendo World. Following a successful launch in Japan, Mario is building a whole new Mushroom Kingdom.

It's been 36 years since Mario made his mark on the gaming scene, and while we've come a long way from stomping Goombas and rescuing Princess Peach from the clutches of Bowser, the portly plumber remains a cultural juggernaut for Nintendo. So, even though there's no news on Super Mario Odyssey 2, at least we're one step closer to a real-life Mario Kart ride. 

When Is Super Nintendo World Opening In The USA?

The announcement of Mario's latest move in world domination comes courtesy of the official Universal Studios Hollywood Twitter, which confirms the park will hold host to the USA's first Super Nintendo World in 2023. We already knew a second site was coming to Universal Orlando Resort's Epic Universe, but that's not due to open the warp pipe until 2025.

Aside from being told Super Nintendo World will be a "visual spectacle of vibrant colors and architectural ingenuity," Universal isn't willing to give much away just yet. Read on after the jump to find out what rides you'll be able to live your Mario fantasies through. 

According to Inside the Magic, Universal Studios Hollywood's Nintendo-themed land will be restricted by space, meaning it'll likely be a smaller affair than its Orlando cousin. Also, with Super Nintendo World being a solo venture as opposed to Orlando's massive expansion, this is probably why the doors are opening next year.


What Rides Are Coming To Super Nintendo World?

Polygon has trawled through YouTube to find construction videos for everything coming to the Orlando park, and while the smaller Hollywood version might be missing a few, expect most of these to be cloned across both sites. Alongside a Mario Kart-themed gift shop and the Toad-centric Kinopio's Cafe, there's a child-friendly Yoshi Adventure ride that gives a scenic view of the park and the star attraction of Mario Kart: Koopa's Challenge. 

The scope for a Mario theme park is massive. We already know Japan is planning a Donkey Kong expansion, but to be honest, where's a haunted mansion based on King Boo, or a fiery log flume ride through Bowser's Castle? Aside from the USA parks, we also know Universal plans to open a Super Nintendo World in Singapore. We hope Peach has been busy baking her infamous cakes for all of these openings. 


Tom Chapman
About the author
Tom Chapman
Tom Chapman is the Trending News Editor at GGRecon. He started out writing movie reviews online before studying Broadcast Journalism at Leeds University. Tom's bylines have included Movie Pilot, Screen Rant, Comic Book Resources, Student Problems, Radio Times, and Digital Spy. With a passion for all things pop culture, Tom can be found mashing buttons or developing square eyes. Contact him - [email protected]
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