Skyrim Running Over 1,500 Mods Is A New-Gen Remaster Waiting To Happen

Skyrim Running Over 1,500 Mods Is A New-Gen Remaster Waiting To Happen
Digital Dreams

Written by 

Jack Marsh


7th Jun 2022 15:20

It feels like Skyrim has petered out to something that no longer exists. Over a decade has passed since you woke up on the cart to Helgen in a vanilla (yet beautiful) Elder Scrolls V. Despite only two worthwhile DLCs in its lifespan, there's not been too much love from Bethesda since. Up step the modding community.

You will seldom come across a Skyrim player in the current age that's playing without a single mod on their game. In fact, you'll struggle to find players without at least ten mods installed. Whether it be as simple as some visual ripples on the streams or the ability to marry Serena, countless mods have since become a necessity to Skyrim.

Other mods come as a bonus, although not everyone has a lobby where every character is gay to tackle homophobia. This just comes as a luxury and a good one at that. However, it shows that Skyrim's limitations only reside in your imagination. Think of Skyrim with 1,500 mods equipped and you might fancy dusting out your old arch-mage robes.

What Does Skyrim Look Like With 500 Mods?

YouTubers Digital Dreams showcased Tamriel in all of its glory in a recent upload, running 1,500 mods on their walkthrough, which transforms the already pretty Skyrim into a piece of beauty. 

Adapting the Elysium mod which improves visual elements such as the definition of the trees, the glistening trickles of water flicking from streams, the cold cast of breath in open fields, and even the detail of the northern lights in the sky, the modded variant of Skyrim has now been dubbed as a next-gen game.

Interestingly, the 1,500 mods also include some of the most-used add-ons to Skyrim that also add new elements to the gameplay. Apocalypse, for example, adds 155 new spells for magic masters to cast, filling in the hole that wasn't quite filled by the Winterhold College. You will also be able to undergo DLC-sized quests created by mods, such as the Vigilant series, the Tools of Kagrenac, and Clockwork. It's not all bells and whistles.

Will We Get A New-Gen Skyrim?

Amid an elusive answer to what is next for the Elder Scrolls franchise, what with the sixth instalment being kept under wraps entirely, this could be the answer needed for Skyrim lovers.  The gorgeously updated game would be a sure hit on new-generation consoles, specifically the Xbox Series X|S, on which Bethesda and Microsoft will be looking to capitalise on soon. 


Not only would this 1,500 modded version of Skyrim have the right visuals for a new-gen upgrade, Bethesda would barely have to lift a finger to port this game in, considering the breadth of added campaigns, quests, DLC areas and lands, and personal interactions far from supersede the requirements of an upgraded game.

Even without the next-gen porting, we'd certainly recommend getting your hands on this extensive mod to play on your own console or PC - given that it's fast enough to keep up. If not, at least some of the combined mods would serve as adept pastimes.

Jack Marsh
About the author
Jack Marsh
Jack is an Esports Journalist at GGRecon. He joined the team after graduating from the University of Chester, with a BA Honours degree in Journalism. Specialising in Rocket League, Call of Duty, and trending gaming news, Jack aims to bridge the gap between players and audiences with interviews and creative features, alongside breaking esports news. Having been an avid esports enthusiast since Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, he is also knowledgeable in VALORANT and League of Legends.
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