The Elder Scrolls: Skyblivion Remake Gets A Release Date

The Elder Scrolls: Skyblivion Remake Gets A Release Date
Images via TESRenewal

Written by 

Joseph Kime


17th Jan 2023 10:05

Skyblivion is a source of sheer excitement for those in the know - and if you don't know, it's time to get to know.

Skyblivion is an immensely ambitious project from the world of The Elder Scrolls. The mod (though we use the term liberally, as it's practically an entirely new game) is designed to bring the world, quests, characters and action of Oblivion into the engine of Skyrim.

Giving the game a new but familiar lick of paint that should introduce the classic Elder Scrolls title to new players. It has been a long time in development, and though there's still a way to go, the end is finally in sight.

What Is The Skyblivion Release Date?

It's really coming. Who'd have thought? Thanks to an official trailer from the Skyblivion team, we finally know that Skyblivion will be launching in 2025.

The trailer is a gorgeous display of everything that makes Oblivion so special, with a new graphical style and a melodic score. The trailer goes on to reveal that the game will be launching in 2025, though a post from the game's team indicates that this is considered to be the "at the latest" date.

Underneath the trailer, Project Lead K Rebel writes, "Remaking Oblivion in the Skyrim engine is what we set out to do when we started the Skyblivion project. Making games takes time, this goes double for a volunteer project the size of a AAA game that took a team of fulltime devs years to make."

2025 may seem like a way off, but given that Skyblivion has been in development since 2012, it's clear that an incredible amount of work has gone into the game. And as such, it has some big requirements for fans.

Skyblivion Requires Both Skyrim And Oblivion To Play

If you want to actually play the merged game (when it finally comes out), you're going to need to own both Skyrim and Oblivion on PC, as well as all of their DLC packs. It's fair enough, given that the new mod will be tying the content of both together.

This is also a pretty good bid to keep Bethesda from shutting down the mod's production, as they'll be making money from those stocking up on the games to experience the mod. 

With Bethesda warning that The Elder Scrolls 6 is a long way off, at least we'll have Skyblivion to play in the meantime.

When players do end up experiencing the new smashing of games, it remains to be seen if it'll be worth the 13-year wait. But to be fair, it does look sick

Joseph Kime
About the author
Joseph Kime
Joseph Kime is the Trending News Journalist for GGRecon from Devon, UK. Before graduating from MarJon University with a degree in Journalism, he started writing music reviews for his own website before writing for the likes of FANDOM, Zavvi and The Digital Fix. He is host of the Big Screen Book Club podcast, and author of Building A Universe, a book that chronicles the history of superhero movies. His favourite games include DOOM (2016), Celeste and Pokemon Emerald.
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