Sekiro Online Creator Is Bringing Us Full Elden Ring Co-Op

Sekiro Online Creator Is Bringing Us Full Elden Ring Co-Op

Written by 

Tom Chapman


24th May 2022 10:49

It's always more fun when you have a friend to go on a quest with. Come on, where would Shrek be without Donkey by his side? While the rotten realm of Elden Ring's Lands Between is an oddly alive place thanks to its crawling spider hands and drooping Godskin Apostles, it can sometimes get lonely out there.

Oh, if only someone had given us Elden Ring co-op. We know that FromSoftware has given us its own bare-bones version of Elden Ring co-op to lend a hand, but it's far from the polished version we might've hoped for as we summon Let Me Solo Her into battle. Thankfully, an expert is here to do the job for Hidetaka Miyazaki 

Does Elden Ring Have Co-Op?

Entering public beta on May 27, The Elden Ring Seamless Co-op mod lets four of you wannabe Tarnisheds leap into the Lands Between and hack your way through the Shardbearers without being separated. The mod is described as a work-in-progress build, so expect there to be a few bugs along the way.

The Elden Ring Seamless Co-op mod has been in the works for a while and sounds pretty great as it "removes all multiplayer boundaries and allows for connections to persist after death." Players don't have to summon their Elden Ring co-op partner with Furled Fingers and summoning signs, and if that wasn't enough, they won't disappear when you beat an area's boss. This means you can go all the way from the Stranded Graveyard to the Erdtree as brothers (or sisters) in arms. 

This version of Elden Ring co-op uses a separate launcher that won't use FromSoft's Easy Anti-Cheat and doesn't use the developer's matchmaking. With this in mind, it (hopefully) won't get you banned for using the mod. Added to this, the fact matchmaking isn't involved means you'll be spared from invasion. Still, you can turn on PvP if you want to go sword to sword with your friends.


Who Added Elden Ring Co-Op?

The person behind this impressive mod is LukeYui - who is something of a big deal in the Souls-like world. If you haven't heard of them, they famously added co-op to FromSoftware's exclusively single-player Sekiro: Shadows Die Twice. There's plenty that's new here, with other bonus features including the ability to spectate your partner after death and even vote on fast travel. Finally, if you want a challenge, take note that enemy difficulty will scale depending on how many are in your party.

The standard Elden Ring co-op had a lot of imposed restrictions like an inability to rest at bonfires or ride on horseback, but now, all of that is a thing of the past thanks to LukeYui. Bearing in mind that this is a mod, it sadly means only PC players will be able to enjoy Elden Ring co-op in all its modded glory. For those who prefer some company when trying to save the realm, this mod is one you'd better add to your download list.


Tom Chapman
About the author
Tom Chapman
Tom Chapman is the Trending News Editor at GGRecon. He started out writing movie reviews online before studying Broadcast Journalism at Leeds University. Tom's bylines have included Movie Pilot, Screen Rant, Comic Book Resources, Student Problems, Radio Times, and Digital Spy. With a passion for all things pop culture, Tom can be found mashing buttons or developing square eyes. Contact him - [email protected]
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