Riot Games Defends Their Most-Hated Nerf Yet

Riot Games Defends Their Most-Hated Nerf Yet
Riot Games

Written by 

Jack Marsh


12th May 2022 11:11

Riot Games were recently applauded by fans due to their impressive updates that seemed to bring life back to the game, especially with the balancing of Jett that was requested by a large portion of the community. However, there are only so many niceties that the developers are willing to dish out, and now the large red fist of Riot Games has smashed down onto one VALORANT character in particular. 

Chamber has quickly risen to become one of the best agents in VALORANT, often rivalling Jett as a makeshift duelist, despite his sentinel status. Blessed with traps to cover flanks and an exclusive sniper that makes sharpshooting a dream, his one-in-a-chamber power has made Chamber one of the best attacking agents around. 

Well, the sharpshooter has recently been put into the crosshairs of Riot Games, who have now blown a snipe right through Chamber's kit, much to the dismay of fans.

VALORANT Players Hate The Chamber Nerfs

Chamber Nerfs
Click to enlarge

Having been rolled out in the VALORANT 4.09 patch, Chamber now only has one charge in his Trademark ability, which has also been upped in cost to 200 points (from 150), while the audio range of the ability has been increased as a friendly balance. 

However, fans have begun to hate the adaptations, believing that Chamber is now not a sentinel, with Riot stripping away his main power in that role.

Many people are calling for the entire class of sentinels to be fixed, including Cypher and Killjoy, prior to Chamber's nerfs. Now, even though a buff to Cypher is in the works, sentinels mains are losing their minds at the severe lack of love for this role.


Riot Games Defend Chamber Nerfs

After the VALORANT community went into a meltdown following the nerfs, Riot Games defended the adaptations to Chamber, claiming that they didn't intend for Chamber to be a trap-orientated agent, but rather focused on his exclusive arsenal.

After the nerfs were tested in an experimental playlist, the developers defended the nerfs in a recent AMA before it was rolled out to the wider public. Dan Hardison, Game Designer at VALORANT, said, "We specifically wanted to keep the unique parts of Chamber strong (as the high-tech weapons-guy, he's probably supposed to be uniquely powerful with his Headhunter and Tour De Force) while sharpening Chamber's weaknesses compared to the other trap-oriented Sentinels."

Chamber will likely not be players' first choices anymore, unless it's as a replacement to Jett, with Cypher and Viper taking the reins when it comes to map control and shutting down offensive pushes. 


Jack Marsh
About the author
Jack Marsh
Jack is an Esports Journalist at GGRecon. He joined the team after graduating from the University of Chester, with a BA Honours degree in Journalism. Specialising in Rocket League, Call of Duty, and trending gaming news, Jack aims to bridge the gap between players and audiences with interviews and creative features, alongside breaking esports news. Having been an avid esports enthusiast since Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, he is also knowledgeable in VALORANT and League of Legends.
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