VALORANT Devs Confirm Cypher And Phoenix Buffs Are Just Around The Corner

VALORANT Devs Confirm Cypher And Phoenix Buffs Are Just Around The Corner
Riot Games

Written by 

Jack Marsh


4th May 2022 13:55

The addition of Fade to VALORANT has shaken up the meta in arguably the biggest way since the release of the game. Alongside having an initiator to rival Sova, and possibly eclipse him completely in high-ranked and professional matches, the nerfs to Jett have seen players have to think before going willy-nilly into gunfights and fleeing with her dash; now, Chamber is also seeing the light of day as a worthy duelist, and the character pool is as diverse as ever.

The nerfs to Jett have actually been very well received by the pro community, and players such as Tyson "TenZ" Ngo have been full of praise for Fade, yet the sentinel-heavy players such as Gambit’s Ayaz "nAts" Akhmetshin have spoken on behalf of the community to yearn for some love towards agents like Cypher.

Now, it appears that the developers have had one ear to the floor, as in a recent AMA, Riot Games confirmed both Phoenix and Cypher are set to receive buffs.

Phoenix Buffs Confirmed For VALORANT

Taking to a Reddit thread, the developers behind VALORANT's characters unravelled the truths about the process behind Fade's arrival and the adjustments to Jett. However, they also faced a barrage of questions about both Phoenix and Cypher, two agents in much need of some TLC. 

Confirming some changes are in the works, John Goscicki, Character Producer on VALORANT, said, "Upfront, yes we are working on Phoenix, but it is too early for us to talk about details of what it may entail. Right now we want to take the time to explore everything from number tweaks to something more."

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"Unfortunately, we do not have a solid ETA on that, and we want to take the time to find the right long-term place for Phoenix," he continued.


Riot Games Also Confirm Cypher Buffs Are On The Way

The same is also on the cards for Cypher, whose kit is being put under pressure despite being one of the more popular picks in VALORANT. With the buffs to a range of characters that counteract Cypher's abilities, there's been a large call for the savvy sentinel to be boosted.

"Cypher is in a similar situation [to Phoenix]. We aren't prepared to share details or dates but he is definitely on our radar," added Jay Watford, Agent Designer on VALORANT.

With the developers being praised for their handling of agents in recent times (even the Yoru balances have been hailed), Cypher and Phoenix mains should begin to get giddy, as they're about to be household names once again.


Jack Marsh
About the author
Jack Marsh
Jack is an Esports Journalist at GGRecon. He joined the team after graduating from the University of Chester, with a BA Honours degree in Journalism. Specialising in Rocket League, Call of Duty, and trending gaming news, Jack aims to bridge the gap between players and audiences with interviews and creative features, alongside breaking esports news. Having been an avid esports enthusiast since Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, he is also knowledgeable in VALORANT and League of Legends.
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