Red Dead Redemption 3 Is Officially On The Way

Red Dead Redemption 3 Is Officially On The Way
Images: Take-Two Interactive

Written by 

Tarran Stockton


16th Dec 2021 11:04

Gamers who love nothing more than exploring the Wild West rejoice, as the CEO of Take-Two Interactive has confirmed that the Red Dead franchise will continue with new games - though don't expect anything soon.


Is Red Dead Redemption 3 On The Way?

Speaking at the Jefferies Virtual Global Interactive Entertainment Conference, Strauss Zelnick - Take-Two CEO - made comparisons with long-running franchises like James Bond when talking on the future of GTA and Red Dead, stated: "If it's really, really great, it will keep going." 

"I don't know if you saw it, I just saw the new Bond film, that was great. You would like every franchise to be James Bond. There are precious few entertainment franchises of any sort that fall into that category, but they do exist. And I think GTA is one of them, I think Red Dead is one of them, NBA is obviously one of them because the game will continue to exist."

Teasing an achingly long wait, Zelnick added, "It also requires you to be thoughtful and willing to rest the titles, so you have a sense of, 'wow, this is a rare event.' I've always said that annualizing non-sports titles runs the risk of burning out the intellectual property, even if it's good.

"So we take the time to make something we think is incredibly phenomenal, and we also rest titles intentionally so that there's pent-up demand for that title, so it's a special event."

What Does This Mean For The Franchise's Future?

While it doesn't confirm that a game is in active development or right now, it does signal that they intend to continue with it, likely rotating between GTA and Red Dead releases. Given how long we've waited for GTA 6, don't get your hopes up.

Considering the reception and sales of the previous Red Dead Redemption games, carrying on with the franchise is a no-brainer, and it could very well continue to rise to the stature of GTA at some point. The question is, will we get a Red Dead sequel that heads into the events of the First World War?

There have been plenty of rumours previously, confirming the existence of a Red Dead Redemption 3, but nothing close to the recent comments from Zelnick finally confirming Rockstar haven't abandoned their B property.

Red Dead Online is still updated frequently, so in the meantime, players have a tonne of grand theft cowboy content to work through to satisfy their Wild West cravings. Saddle up gang, it doesn't look like we're done just yet.


Tarran Stockton
About the author
Tarran Stockton
Tarran Stockton is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He started his career writing video game reviews for his college newspaper, and studied Media and Communication at the University of Leicester. These days you can find him cranking his FOV up to 100 and playing retro shooters until hand cramp sets in.
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