MW2 Farm 18 Map Hides OG Call Of Duty Easter Egg

MW2 Farm 18 Map Hides OG Call Of Duty Easter Egg

Written by 

Jack Marsh


22nd Sep 2022 15:17

You might have been a bit too caught up in the midst of the chaos to notice, or not old enough to have picked up on it, but Modern Warfare 2's newest map has added one hell of a throwback in its layout - serving as one of the best Easter Eggs that the franchise has ever seen.

Easter eggs in Call of Duty aren't very common on the multiplayer side of things, given that it is normally Treyarch which delivers the secret side quests and surprises within their Zombies maps. 

However, Infinity Ward has dabbled in the field of Easter eggs before, and it's time they've opted to please the first-ever Call of Duty fans.

MW2 Beta Hides Awesome Call of Duty 1 Easter Egg

The developers might not have tailored Modern Warfare 2 to the old-school player base, given that the die-hards have already picked up on an array of features that are tailored towards part-time Timmy and casual Ken. But, they have clearly had OG fans in mind with the development of Farm 18, especially as the map has an identical remaster of the first-ever Call of Duty game building.

Some savvy fans have found that Farm 18's Western-most building is an exact replication of a Call of Duty (2003) mission named "Pavlov's House".

Click to enlarge

The building is renowned to Call of Duty 1 players who completed the game, with this being the main hub for conflict in the nineteenth mission of the 2003 title. 


Pavlov's House Remake Spotted In Call of Duty Modern Warfare 2 Map

Pavlov's House is a mission in which players must eliminate Nazi Troops within Russian territory by recapturing an apartment block. Said building has now been spotted in Farm 18, with details from cracks in walls to exact staircases being eyed.

Despite the obvious increase in graphics and detail, Pavlov's Building in Farm 18 is pretty much exactly the same. Fans can see the same second-story balconies, smashed-out windows, damaged holes in the walls, staircases and doors in the same locations, and even the same destructed wing that cuts off at the corridor doors.

You'd have had to have been playing Call of Duty for nearly 20 years for this Easter Egg to strike home, but given that this has already been found in the Modern Warfare 2 beta, who knows what more hidden gems will be found when the full game launches?

Jack Marsh
About the author
Jack Marsh
Jack is an Esports Journalist at GGRecon. He joined the team after graduating from the University of Chester, with a BA Honours degree in Journalism. Specialising in Rocket League, Call of Duty, and trending gaming news, Jack aims to bridge the gap between players and audiences with interviews and creative features, alongside breaking esports news. Having been an avid esports enthusiast since Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, he is also knowledgeable in VALORANT and League of Legends.
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