God Of War Ragnarok Theory Claims We're Going Back To Greece

God Of War Ragnarok Theory Claims We're Going Back To Greece
Sony Santa Monica

Written by 

Tom Chapman


6th Jul 2022 14:43

Pack away your winter wardrobe and grab the sun cream. While we might be used to the cold chill of Midgard in 2018's God of War, there's a wild theory Kratos will be going back to the scorched plains of Ancient Greece for this year's God of War Ragnarok.

When Atreus was just a twinkle in Kratos' eye, the Ghost of Sparta was known for his epic journey through Greek Mythology. The franchise's reinvention after an eight-year hiatus was a bold one, but with confirmation there won't be a trilogy of Norse games, fans are rightly asking how things will wrap up or catapult the story into a new era. 

Is God Of War Ragnarok Going Back To Greece?

A theory shared by YouTuber Kaptain Kuba suggests that Ragnarok will once explore the gods and monsters of Olympus. They point to a throwaway moment in 2018's God of War featuring Tyr - who is conveniently known as the Norse God of War. With Tyr confirmed for a major role in Ragnarok, you can see where we're going with this one.

Toward the end of the game, Kratos ventures to Tyr's temple and learns that his Norse counterpart used to travel to other far-off lands. Instead of trying to start wars (we're looking at you Kratos), Tyr amassed information on other cultures. Looking closely, there's a Greek tapestry that shows Tyr giving a mysterious object to its people.

The theory claims that whatever Tyr is giving to the Greeks, it's used to restore order to the realm after Kratos and Zeus left it in ruins. This ties to Ragnarok because the event of "Ragnarok" is known as the cataclysmic destruction of the world as we know it before being reborn anew. Having Kratos and Atreus return to Sparta to retrieve this mythical object and bring peace to the Nine realms sounds like a pretty solid plan.


Should God Of War Ragnarok Go Back To Greece?

Fans have previously championed the exact same idea. As we know Ragnarok will be an end to the all-too-short Norse mythology, it would be a nice bookend to tie things back to the franchise's previous iterations. After all, Kratos was plagued by images of Zeus in Helheim in 2018's game. Remember, there are still some major gaps in Kratos' story and how he came to travel all the way from Greece into Norse Mythology. 

It remains to be seen whether this really is the end of the road for Kratos, but either way, having a playable Grecian segment makes a lot of sense. Also, what about a whole time travel twist where the future of the franchise will completely return to Greek mythology either as Kratos, Atreus, or another adventure as father and son? Now that we finally have a November 9 God of War Ragnarok release date, there isn't really that long to wait and see.

Tom Chapman
About the author
Tom Chapman
Tom Chapman is the Trending News Editor at GGRecon. He started out writing movie reviews online before studying Broadcast Journalism at Leeds University. Tom's bylines have included Movie Pilot, Screen Rant, Comic Book Resources, Student Problems, Radio Times, and Digital Spy. With a passion for all things pop culture, Tom can be found mashing buttons or developing square eyes. Contact him - [email protected]
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