God Of War Ragnarok Leaks Debut Odin

God Of War Ragnarok Leaks Debut Odin
Disney | Sony Santa Monica

Written by 

Tom Chapman


16th Aug 2022 09:14

It's hammer time in Midgard, as the latest God of War Ragnarok leaks confirm it's a family thing in the snowy sequel. While 2018's God of War gave a tease of Thor in its post-credits stinger, players have been left in the dark about what his daddy dearest looks like... until now, with our first peek at Odin. 

The early days of Sony Santa Monica's God of War games charted the scorched plains of Ancient Greece and Kratos dealing with his own daddy issues thanks to Zeus. That all changed with 2018's soft reboot that took us to the chillier climes of Norse mythology. Given that Odin is effectively the Zeus of this world, we'd always guessed he'd be a part of Ragnarok

What Does Odin Look Like In God Of War Ragnarok?

If you're wondering what the Allfather looks like, wonder no more. Over on Reddit, noted leaker AestheticGamer, aka Dusk Golem, shared a first look at Odin. Although it's concept art, they're confident that this is how Odin will look in Ragnarok. Someone else noted a statue in the Ragnarok trailer that might've spoiled Odin's look ahead of time.

We're not sure what we were expecting, but it wasn't this. It turns out we aren't alone in that assessment. One fan wrote, "Not gonna lie, I was expecting Zeus 2.0, good call of them to make something different and unique." Another added, "I don't get why people are expecting Odin to be another muscular old man. He's clearly powerful but not physically it seems. That's why he has Thor."

There's been a lot of emphasis on Thor so far, so we're not sure how much of a part Odin will have to play. Then again, the title of Ragnarok basically meaning the end of days suggests there are going to be some major deaths. In Norse mythology, Odin perishes during Ragnarok, and whether that's due to Kratos or someone else, we don't imagine the withered overlord of the Nine Realms will be making it out of this one alive. 


When Will We Get A New Ragnarok Trailer? 

On the whole, everyone seems to be happy with Odin's look - which is a refreshing change from others calling Ragnarok's Thor "fat." Thanks to the Marvel Cinematic Universe casting Chris Hemsworth and Anthony Hopkins as Thor and Odin, some have a skewed picture of what they should look like in Ragnarok. Given that Odin is thousands of years old, it makes sense he's this wizened version we see here.

With the Odin concept out there in the wild and a November 9 release looming, Dusk Golem also hints that a new trailer is on the way. Sony Santa Monica just dropped a refresher to recap the story ahead of Ragnarok, but what we're really waiting for is a cinematic/gameplay trailer that dives deeper into the game. In the meantime, we're off to sharpen our Leviathan Axe and brush up on our Norse history. 

Tom Chapman
About the author
Tom Chapman
Tom Chapman is the Trending News Editor at GGRecon. He started out writing movie reviews online before studying Broadcast Journalism at Leeds University. Tom's bylines have included Movie Pilot, Screen Rant, Comic Book Resources, Student Problems, Radio Times, and Digital Spy. With a passion for all things pop culture, Tom can be found mashing buttons or developing square eyes. Contact him - [email protected]
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