Game Of Thrones Recreated In Skyrim For Massive Expansion

Game Of Thrones Recreated In Skyrim For Massive Expansion
Warner Bros | Bethesda

Written by 

Joseph Kime


10th Aug 2022 13:33

Skyrim is one of the absolute giants of the fantasy genre. It's growing harder and harder to refute by the day, to be honest. When it comes to fantasy worlds, the fifth Elder Scrolls game has brought the franchise onto par with the works of J. R. R. Tolkein and Terry Pratchett.

Having breached the world of video games to become an iconic symbol of what the medium can accomplish, Skyrim has set the bar for fantasy epics since it released. And now, two worlds are colliding as Westeros has entered the world of Skyrim.

What Is The Game Of Thrones Skyrim Mod?

One YouTuber and mod developer has revealed a colossal overhaul of the original Skyrim with a mod that injects the entirety of Westeros into the game - making our dreams of an open-world Game of Thrones game even closer to reality. 

Heavy Burns revealed a new video on their YouTube channel, talking fans through their new upcoming mod. The Game of Thrones Skyrim mod is titled Skyros and has been in heavy development for the last year. Even if HBO's live-action Game of Thrones bowed out with a whimper, we've been asking for a proper open-world game after Telltale showed us what could be done.

The mod's story begins at the start of the narrative of Game of Thrones, with your character arriving alongside King Robert Baratheon. From there, you're left to make decisions throughout the gameplay that will ultimately lead to your choice of who will sit on the Iron Throne at the end of the story's wars and battles.


When Is Skyros Coming Out?

Game of Thrones Games
Click to enlarge
Telltale Games | HBO

Uunfortunately, Skyros doesn't have a concrete release date, as the mod is still in very intensive development. There are ways of getting updates, and ways of getting involved in the actual creation of the Game of Thrones experience. The mod's creator is urging fans who want to stay in the know to join its Discord server, just as they reveal that they're also taking applications for fans who want to get involved in the capacity of writing, level design, 3D modelling and scripting.

The mod is hugely ambitious and could prove to do wonders for returning players to Skyrim. With House of the Dragon just around the corner to continue the story (as a prequel) to the events of the War of the Five Kings, get ready to remember what made GoT so good in the first place. Combine that with Skyrim and how can we lose? Finally, our calls to Game of Thrones have been answered.

Joseph Kime
About the author
Joseph Kime
Joseph Kime is the Trending News Journalist for GGRecon from Devon, UK. Before graduating from MarJon University with a degree in Journalism, he started writing music reviews for his own website before writing for the likes of FANDOM, Zavvi and The Digital Fix. He is host of the Big Screen Book Club podcast, and author of Building A Universe, a book that chronicles the history of superhero movies. His favourite games include DOOM (2016), Celeste and Pokemon Emerald.
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