Fallout: London Gameplay Trailer Is A Bold Reinvention Of The Franchise

Fallout: London Gameplay Trailer Is A Bold Reinvention Of The Franchise
Fallout: London YouTube

Written by 

Tom Chapman


19th May 2022 13:10

What happened to Fallout? While we once had juggernauts like Fallout 3 and the beloved New Vegas proving that spin-offs are sometimes better than mainline entries, the franchise has mutated into a bit of an ugly beast. Thankfully, a Fallout: London gameplay trailer is here to prove the apocalypse has a bright future.

Even though Fallout 4 was another big hitter, by the time we got to Fallout 76, we questioned what the devs were thinking when they tried to forge ahead with a wholly multiplayer Fallout experience. No NPCs... seriously? Fallout: London is taking the New Vegas route of trying something new, but it's just a shame it's not actually from Bethesda.

What's In The Fallout: London Gameplay Trailer?

Although we've heard about Fallout: London before, this is the most in-depth video we've seen yet. Taking place in 2237, Fallout: London, it means it's set between the original Fallout and Fallout 2. There are some major differences here, and with Vault-Tec not making its way over here before the nuclear apocalypse, there's no Pip-Boy. Elsewhere, there's no Forced Evolutionary Virus (FEV), meaning we don't get Super Mutants or Deathclaws. 

The focus of the trailer is the playable character known as the Wayfarer, who will "explore pre-war European history and the effects the Resource Wars had on the class-structured society of pre-war Britain." With the world ravaged by nuclear war, the survivors have emerged from underground bunkers known as Pindar stations. For anyone who's ever played Fallout, you'll know it's pretty standard fodder - albeit over the other side of the pond.

We'll get to learn about factions like the Gentry as the current rulers, Tommies militia, and Arthurian-inspired Camelot. Other highlights include radiated badgers called radgers AND the fact there's some famous Doctor Who talent in the form of Colin Baker and Sylvester McCoy lending their vocals. It doesn't get much geekier than that. Importantly, the spirit of Fallout is definitely flying its colours like the Union Jack. 


Fallout: London Release Date

Although the video glosses over character creation, we expect it to be another massive part of Fallout: London. As will be the mysterious Mr. Smythe - who is giving us some serious Mr. House from New Vegas vibes. If you aren't sold yet, remember that Bethesda was so impressed with the mod, it even hired one of the writers to work on the actual Fallout team. This leads to the crucial question of a Fallout: London release date.

The Fallout: London mod was started back in 2019, and is currently the size of Fallout 4's base game. Speaking of which, you'll need the PC version of Fallout 4 to run London. Sadly, there's no concrete release date, with the site stating: "An official release date is difficult to pinpoint. The team has set internal deadlines, but a formal release date has not yet been set." Trust us though, it looks Fallout: will be well worth the wait and make Fallout 76 look like a smoking corpse lost in the Wasteland. 


Tom Chapman
About the author
Tom Chapman
Tom Chapman is the Trending News Editor at GGRecon. He started out writing movie reviews online before studying Broadcast Journalism at Leeds University. Tom's bylines have included Movie Pilot, Screen Rant, Comic Book Resources, Student Problems, Radio Times, and Digital Spy. With a passion for all things pop culture, Tom can be found mashing buttons or developing square eyes. Contact him - [email protected]
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