Dino Crisis Could Be Coming To The PS5 For The First Time Ever

Dino Crisis Could Be Coming To The PS5 For The First Time Ever
Capcom | Sony

Written by 

Tom Chapman


25th May 2022 13:43

If Capcom does one thing well, it's let its biggest names fall to the wayside. While it's not quite as bad as Konami with Silent Hill and Castlevania, Capcom has let the fan-favourite Dino Crisis turn to bones. Thankfully, it sounds like an archaeological dig is on the way to put Dino Crisis on the PS5 for the first time ever.

When most people think of Capcom, they think of the shuffling zombies and confines of the Spencer Mansion that brought the developer to the front of the gaming scene in the late '90s with Resident Evil. First released on the OG PlayStation in 1999, Dino Crisis followed a special ops agent called Regina, who had to investigate an island populated by carnivorous dinosaurs. 

Is Dino Crisis Playable On The PS5?

Dino Crisis 1999
Click to enlarge

The first game was enough to spin off into a whole franchise of releases - that have laid dormant since Dino Crisis 3 in 2003. We were rightly disappointed that Capcom has shown off Exoprimal as something of a spiritual successor that even includes Dino Crisis legend Hiroyuki Kobayashi. 

Remembering that Sony has been slow on the uptake with backward compatibility - and that Dino Crisis 3 was an Xbox-only release - it means no Dino Crisis games are available on the PS4 or PS5. With such a gap in the market, it's no surprise that Capcom's classic is tipped to arrive on the PS5 in style in 2022. 

A current search for Dino Crisis on the PS store will bring up related titles like TurokJurassic World Evolution, and Carnivores: Dinosaur Hunt (nope, we've not heard of it either). Thankfully, a seemingly massive leak suggests that the revamped PlayStation Plus Premium tier will bring Dino Crisis to the PS5.


Will The New PS Plus Include Dino Crisis?

We just covered how the nostalgic tears are running down our faces because the PS1 Toy Story 2: Buzz Lightyear to the Rescue might be coming to PlayStation Plus, but now, Dino Crisis could be another big hitter from back in the day. All over Twitter, gamers have been pointing out how the PlayStation Store in Asia has a Dino Crisis banner with Regina promoting its Classic Catalogue. 

At the time of writing, Sony hasn't lifted the lid on exactly which 700+ retro games will be part of the PlayStation Plus Premium option, however, we're told PS1 favourites like Tekken 2 and Oddworld: Abe’s Oddysee will be part of the upper tier. In 2017, Capcom's Masachika Kawata said the developer was open to the idea of remakes, but much like the mythical Dino Crisis 4, nothing has come to pass. There are no "bones" about it though, fans are sure to fall in love with Dino Crisis all over again if it lands on the PS Plus.


Tom Chapman
About the author
Tom Chapman
Tom Chapman is the Trending News Editor at GGRecon. He started out writing movie reviews online before studying Broadcast Journalism at Leeds University. Tom's bylines have included Movie Pilot, Screen Rant, Comic Book Resources, Student Problems, Radio Times, and Digital Spy. With a passion for all things pop culture, Tom can be found mashing buttons or developing square eyes. Contact him - [email protected]
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