Destiny 2 Trust Goes Both Ways: How To Find Faction Chests

Destiny 2 Trust Goes Both Ways: How To Find Faction Chests
Images via Bungie

Written by 

Aaron Bayne


25th Feb 2022 17:55

The Trust Goes Both Ways Destiny 2 quest is driving some players up the wall as of late for a rather annoying request for factions chests in its multi-step quest. Destiny 2 is a fan of sending its players off in search of enemies to kill and chests to open, and the Trust Goes Both Ways quest is no different. However, one step is proving to be a bit of a challenge for some when it comes to locating faction chests in a specific region of the Throne World. But what are the Destiny 2 Faction Chests and how do you find them as part of the Trust Goes Both Ways Destiny 2 quest?  We've got the answers so let's jump into it. 

  • Not got enough of Destiny's lore? Check out our guide to the Destiny 2 Altar of Reflection, so you know how to get some additional info of the Destiny world. 

Destiny 2 Trust Goes Both Ways: Why Do You Need Faction Chests? 

Destiny 2 Trust Goes Both Ways: Fynch the Hive Ghost.
Click to enlarge

One of the biggest points confusing a lot of players that are taking part in the Trust Goes Both Ways Destiny 2 is the definition of faction chests. You'll pick up this quest from Throne World vendor Fynch quite early on, but we'd recommend holding off till after the campaign is done because you'll rapidly approach light level 1500 anyway. The quest asks that you loot chests in the Throne World, which to start is easy enough. Just check the map for the cross-like marks which show the location of chests - each subzone having three. 

However, in the third step of five, Fynch asks that you complete two patrols and loot four faction chests. The name may imply that they are special in some way, however, they are actually just your bog-standard chest. Finding them, however, is anything but standard. 

Destiny 2 Trust Goes Both Ways: Where To Find Faction Chests

Destiny 2 Trust Goes Both Wys: The Miasmo region on the Throne World.
Click to enlarge

The Destiny 2 faction chests of this quest are specific to the region of Miasmo, which can be found in the north-west of the Throne World. Typically you'll find most of your chests in the outskirts of the area so check for locations by the coast and along the outer walls - there will usually be hidden caves around these areas. Additionally, remember to jump up to the higher ledges from the dilapidated ruins, as they quite often feature faction chests. 

Annoyingly, we had a bit of trouble ourselves with this one as some of the faction chests didn't register. Sadly, the only real option here is to back out the world and come back again, with the hope that chests have respawned. Considering the scarcity of the Destiny 2 faction chests in one specific area, we reckon this might be one you need to do across multiple sittings. You should however try for the inaccessible chests that can be seen in high ledges. You'll need to learn how to level up Deepsight in Destiny 2 to get these ones.

Deepsight chests may require a bit of grinding, so a far easier option is to acquire a Ghost mod which allows you to detect caches within a certain range. Once equipped start driving around on your sparrow and intermittently popping your Ghost to see if anything is nearby. This can be applied by going into your customisation screen, selecting your Ghost, heading to the Tracking Mod Socket, and selecting whichever mod you can that detects chests. 

That's all you need to know about how to find faction chests in Destiny 2 as part of the Trust Goes Both Ways quest. Since you will be out looking for the chests, you should check out how to earn Destiny 2 weapon crafting materials, which means you are better equipped to upgrade your favourite weapons. 


Aaron Bayne
About the author
Aaron Bayne
Aaron is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He’s written for sites such as BBC The Social, NME, Turtle Beach, and more. He’s a live-service enthusiast that loves to squad up in everything from Apex Legends to The Division 2. If he isn’t screaming at his teammates, you can still find him blubbering over The Last of Us Part II.
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