Call of Duty Pros Baffled By Modern Warfare 2's 70 Gun Attachments

Call of Duty Pros Baffled By Modern Warfare 2's 70 Gun Attachments
Infinity Ward

Written by 

Jack Marsh


9th Jun 2022 15:09

Times were much simpler when you could load into your Black Ops 2 Raid Hardpoint using an MSMC equipped with Quickdraw and Long Barrel only. A simple two-attachment system that forced you to be reliant on gun skill and map knowledge to be good at the game. Those were the days.

Now, thanks to Infinity Ward's bonkers Modern Warfare 2019 Gunsmith that was wholeheartedly tailored towards Warzone, we've been stuck with a ridiculous number of attachments for every weapon. Vanguard did us no favours either, upping this to a whopping ten attachment slots that was five times that of the game a decade ago.

This left competitive Call of Duty players to build the most extensive ban list (named the Gentleman's Agreement) that has ever been seen. With Modern Warfare 2 on the horizon, the community had hoped that we'd strip back the over-convoluted gunsmith options to something replicable of the classic "pick five", but it appears Infinity Ward fancied quite the opposite. 

What Are Modern Warfare 2's Gunsmith Options?

According to information provided by Charlie Intel, Modern Warfare 2 will include Gunsmith options in the Create-a-Class menus, although the options will not contain 10 attachment slots per gun.

Instead, the guns will continue to have many, many, attachments to choose from, and the shooter will implement a "Tuning" system where players can fine-tune chosen attachments to minimise or maximise the effects of their selections.

Click to enlarge

Unconfirmed rumours then surfaced that Modern Warfare 2 guns will have over 70 attachments to choose from for every gun, which has now led the professional community to be left gobsmacked.


Call of Duty Pro Community React To Modern Warfare 2's Gun Attachments

Having seen the Vanguard era set a record high in terms of attachments, weapons, and killstreaks that have found their way onto the Gentleman's Agreement ban list due to damaging competitive integrity, the professional community has now entered a state of panic.

Immediately, jokes surrounding Austin "SlasheR" Liddicoat found their way onto the timeline, with the former World Champion being one of the main advocates of the GA list.

However, more serious notions were voiced by New York Subliners Analyst JohnPaul "JPKrez" Krez, who wondered how IW will "try to balance a game with 70 attachments per weapon," before adding that he prefers "simplicity".

This was echoed by OpTic Content Creator Davis "Hitchariide" Edwards, who claimed it was "wild", and ex-OpTic, LAG, and Envy player Renato "Saints" Forzawho added that "70 attachments is absolutely absurd."

Whether the exact number of attachments is actually 70, or more, is yet to be confirmed, although the fine-tuning elements of the gunsmith will surely see more confusion at the game's elite level.

Jack Marsh
About the author
Jack Marsh
Jack is an Esports Journalist at GGRecon. He joined the team after graduating from the University of Chester, with a BA Honours degree in Journalism. Specialising in Rocket League, Call of Duty, and trending gaming news, Jack aims to bridge the gap between players and audiences with interviews and creative features, alongside breaking esports news. Having been an avid esports enthusiast since Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, he is also knowledgeable in VALORANT and League of Legends.
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