Sorry, Bloodborne Remastered Isn't A Real Thing

Sorry, Bloodborne Remastered Isn't A Real Thing
Images FromSoftware

Written by 

Tom Chapman


31st May 2022 09:04

Well, that sucks. While the idea of FromSoftware going back into its catalogue of Souls-like games and churning them out on the regular akin to what Capcom was/is doing with Resident Evil sounds like a money-making brainwave, we're sorry to report Bloodborne Remastered isn't a real thing.

In 2022, the name FromSoftware likely conjured up images of the Lands Between, the red-haired Malenia, and the palm-shredding PTSD of facing Margit for the millionth time. Back in the day, it was Father Gascoigne and Patches the Spider that were synonymous with the Japanese developer. In 2015, Bloodborne was that year's very own Elden Ring

Is Bloodborne Remastered A Real Thing?

Bloodborne Remastered Tweet
Click to enlarge

Seven years is a long time in the video game world, and as Skyrim will testify time and time again, is more than long enough to warrant a remake or remaster. While we've already covered the stupidly popular Bloodborne demake, what about giving this gothic nightmare a bit of an upgrade?

For those who like to keep up with their video game leaks, you've probably heard of the name Nibellion. The industry insider has some of the biggest scoops out there, so when an account pretending to be Nibel tweeted about Bloodborne Remastered, we fell for it... hook, line, and sinker. The problem is, this wannabee Nibellion actually goes under the handle of @Nlbellion. 

As the internet went into a frenzy, we soon realised fake Nibellion's tweet linked out to a PlayStation Blog post from 2015 that talks about the longevity of Bloodborne. Although some were outraged, most of us managed to find the funny side of it. The real Nibel even tweeted and said, "No, I do not have any Bloodborne news for you today."


Will Bloodborne Remastered Ever Be Released?

Bloodborne Gameplay
Click to enlarge

At the time of writing, the fake tweet about Bloodborne Remastered currently has nearly 18k likes and is still climbing. It's clear the idea of a remaster is a popular one, and remembering Bluepoint Games headed up a Demon's Souls PS5 remaster in 2020, it's a believable one too. This isn't the first time we've been hoodwinked. Last October, supposed insiders claimed Bluepoint was "on a journey to Yharnam," but it was quickly debunked by the studio's President.

More recently, former IGN journalist Colin Moriarty said we hadn't seen the last of Bloodborne and started the hype train that a Bloodborne sequel could be on the way. One way to queue this up would be a remake of the original. For the time being though, if you want your fix of Yharnam, you'll either have to dust off your old PS3 or stump up the price of PlayStation Plus to nab Bloodborne on there. 

Tom Chapman
About the author
Tom Chapman
Tom Chapman is the Trending News Editor at GGRecon. He started out writing movie reviews online before studying Broadcast Journalism at Leeds University. Tom's bylines have included Movie Pilot, Screen Rant, Comic Book Resources, Student Problems, Radio Times, and Digital Spy. With a passion for all things pop culture, Tom can be found mashing buttons or developing square eyes. Contact him - [email protected]
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