Aydan Outlines Why He Didn't Go Pro In The CDL

Aydan Outlines Why He Didn't Go Pro In The CDL
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Written by 

Jack Marsh


8th Mar 2022 16:55

From dominating Tilted Towers in Fortnite to preparing absolute havoc on Verdansk and Caldera, Aydan "Aydan" Conrad is arguably the best battle royale player of all time, but that hasn't stopped him from showing off in front of Call of Duty League professionals in his downtime.

The BR specialist, who operates under the New York Subliners banner, turned out for the Big Apple's CoD team in pre-season pro/content collaborative events, grinding the Search and Destroy mode on Black Ops Cold War and Vanguard.

Evidently holding his own alongside the likes of James "Clayster" Eubanks, and having a portfolio that reaps competitive knowledge, Aydan has now confessed that there is one thing stopping him from entering the CDL. Himself.

Aydan's Reasons For Not Becoming A Professional Call of Duty Player

Having grasped the fundamentals of professional Call of Duty, Aydan's skillset could certainly make him an exciting prospect as a professional player, with a little bit of practice. 

However, it's the practice that Aydan doesn't fancy. Having considered trying to become a pro, prior to blowing up on Twitch during the Fortnite wave, Aydan admitted that he didn't like practising.

"The CDL is completely different. It requires a lot of practice. I don’t think I ever liked practice even when I was playing sports growing up," Aydan said in a recent interview.


Prior to Fortnite, Aydan nearly made the plunge. "If I didn’t pick Fortnite, I probably would’ve stuck with Call of Duty and gotten into the Search and Destroy scene," he said.

Call of Duty pros often practice for up to eight hours a day, including scrims, VOD reviews, and general strategic analysis, in order to perfect an NFL-esque playbook to get the edge over their opponents. Whether this be in Search and Destroy across multiple maps, or learning how to rotate in Hardpoint, the hours of practice didn't seem to suit Aydan.

However, the decision hasn't been one to rue for Aydan, who currently sits atop of the tree in terms of Warzone winnings since the BR came out. 

Having won impressive titles in Fortnite and Warzone, and even collecting a pay-day in a Search and Destroy tournament with Seth "Scump" Abner, the FPS demon has now amassed over $540,000 worth of prize money. Only 20 Call of Duty pros has made more money from their careers, including Clayster, Scump, and NSYL teammate Ian "Crimsix" Porter.

Often showing support for NYSL, maybe we'll see Aydan come in as a substitute in the future, especially with Subliners' recent woes.


Jack Marsh
About the author
Jack Marsh
Jack is an Esports Journalist at GGRecon. He joined the team after graduating from the University of Chester, with a BA Honours degree in Journalism. Specialising in Rocket League, Call of Duty, and trending gaming news, Jack aims to bridge the gap between players and audiences with interviews and creative features, alongside breaking esports news. Having been an avid esports enthusiast since Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, he is also knowledgeable in VALORANT and League of Legends.
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