Asmongold Smashes His Setup During Huge Fortnite Tantrum

Asmongold Smashes His Setup During Huge Fortnite Tantrum
Images via Asmongold | Twitch | Epic Games

Written by 

Emma Hill


13th Apr 2022 16:55

Twitch streamer Zack "Asmongold" had a rather frustrating return to Fortnite which eventually led to the MMORPG player taking out his anger on his setup. 

Having made his name with his World of Warcraft and Final Fantasy XIV playthroughs, Asmongold has since expanded his collection, having a go at a wide variety of new games. For example, jumping on the Elden Ring and Lost Ark hype proved particularly fruitful for the streamer who flew up the Twitch rankings, pulling in a whopping amount of views and new subs.  

However, with his Elden Ring journey having officially come to an end and Lost Ark proving particularly frustrating, Asmongold has been revisiting a number of his favourite games, with one of his most recent being Fortnite. However, his recent return to Fortnite proved a bit too much for the streamer.

Asmongold Smashes Setup During Frustrating Fortnite Playthrough

Asmongold finally returned to Fortnite after a long hiatus from the battle royale, having dedicated the majority of his time to Lost Ark and Elden Ring. However, things quickly turned nasty after he dropped into Tilted Towers, a well-known hot zone. He then caught the attention of a fellow player who had a deadly weapon at hand: "F**k he's got a shotgun." Asmongold then retreated immediately into the building for safety, not realising that he was heading straight for a dead end, making himself an open target for his rival player as he took a fatal blow. 

In an angry outburst, Asmongold grabbed a drumstick and was seen frantically bashing something off-screen screaming "damn it!" After calming down a little bit, he said: "I literally just made a huge mess." He then panned a camera round to the side of his room to show his sofa next to his computer now covered in "garbage." However, he went on to reassure his fans that he was fine saying he'll clean it up by just putting "a rug over it."

Why Did Asmongold Return To Fortnite?

Fortnite has been the talk of the town ever since the introduction of 'no build mode' which has proved particularly popular among the streaming community. So, of course, it wasn't long before Asmongold also jumped on the hype. However, Asmongold has a whole plan of games he is set to return to soon, including FFXIV and WoW.

Okay, so Asmongold may not be the best Fortnite player in the world, the streamer himself has even said so. However, there's no denying that when it comes to the best MMORPG streamer, Asmongold is still the clear winner for many fans. 


Emma Hill
About the author
Emma Hill
Emma Hill is a Junior Journalist at GGRecon. She studied Film & English at University of Manchester, and also took part in an Introduction to Acting for Video Games course. She loves everything from Skyrim to Stardew Valley.
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