Amazing 8K Skyrim Will Melt Your Graphics Card

Amazing 8K Skyrim Will Melt Your Graphics Card
YouTube Digital Dreams | Bethesda

Written by 

Tom Chapman


14th Dec 2021 15:18

While the Dragonborn keeps polishing their armour, it's safe to say things are looking a little tired over in Tamriel. 10 years after Bethesda jumped on the back of Alduin, someone has shown off an amazing 8K Skyrim build.

There's only so much you can do with a game that's 10 years old, but with Bethesda continuing to port the title to everything from VR to new-gen consoles, the developer has given this fantasy realm a bit of a tune-up. Still, that's nothing compared to what modders are able to do. 

What Does An 8K Skyrim Look Like?

German modder Digital Dreams is back to give us another 8K revamp. The modder previously showed off a stunning 8K Breath of the Wild, however, that's nothing compared to what they've done to Skyrim. Here, there are over 1300 mods that transform Tamriel. At its highest setting, some fans are even struggling to run the footage.

Just imagine what this would do if you tried to run it on an old PC. We expect Nazeem would melt alongside your graphics card - but maybe that's not a bad thing. We've seen well-modded Skyrim builds before, but that's nothing compared to Digital Dreams' work.

Others were equally impressed. One joked, "Modders have put more time into this game than Bethesda has at this point," while another added, "50 seconds in and I am floored. NEVER EVER seen that view of Markarth so wonderfully presented. Sweet!!"

Someone else said, "And, Digital Dreams ... you are a magician. My PC would croak about 1 second into it. I wouldn't even get to move the character until I got a blue screen of death," and one concluded, "If only Bethesda could remaster a game half as well as its fans could." Sadly, it's true that most of our PCs would crumble simply at the thought of 1300 Skyrim mods.

Will There Be More From Skyrim?

Skyrim 8K
Click to enlarge
Digital Dreams

Rest assured that an 8K Skyrim could become a reality. We've already been warned The Elder Scrolls 6 is a long way out. Added to this, the fears of PlayStation owners have been realised, with the next chapter being confirmed as an Xbox exclusive

The recent release of the Skyrim Anniversary Edition celebrated the 10th anniversary but didn't do much in terms of improving graphics. It's clear it's possible to make Skyrim look a million dollars, but it's also clear Bethesda isn't willing the time on money on it - adding fishing seems to be enough.

To be honest, we don't blame Bethesda for simply rolling out the odd anniversary edition with a few tweaks. Skyrim still sells well all these years later, but it's hard to fathom the work that would have to go into an 8K overhaul. If you want to blow your PC to Kingdom Come, the full list of mods used is available here.


Tom Chapman
About the author
Tom Chapman
Tom Chapman is the Trending News Editor at GGRecon. He started out writing movie reviews online before studying Broadcast Journalism at Leeds University. Tom's bylines have included Movie Pilot, Screen Rant, Comic Book Resources, Student Problems, Radio Times, and Digital Spy. With a passion for all things pop culture, Tom can be found mashing buttons or developing square eyes. Contact him - [email protected]
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