All Classic Modern Warfare 2 Maps Reportedly Being Remastered For Next Year

All Classic Modern Warfare 2 Maps Reportedly Being Remastered For Next Year
Infinity Ward

Written by 

Jack Marsh


1st Sep 2022 16:34

The golden age is returning to Call of Duty, as the original (2009 version) Modern Warfare 2 multiplayer is finally being remastered, according to leaks.

Having omitted the multiplayer experience out of the Modern Warfare 2 remaster that was released in 2021 (the campaign variant), fans were left widely bemused and dissatisfied. Almost like having a cake with no cream.

However, it now appears as if your appetite can finally be filled, as a new leak suggests that the entire map pool of the OG Modern Warfare 2 is being remade for this year's Modern Warfare 2 title (god, I wish they picked a better title name).

The Entire Modern Warfare 2 Map Collection Is Being Remastered, Apparently

Renowned leaker "TheGhostOfHope" has claimed that Infinity Ward is apparently remaking the entire map pool from the 2009 game and will be implementing it into the upcoming title.

The leaker has suggested that the reworked maps will feature as 'Year 2' content, given that Infinity Ward will be taking the reins for Call of Duty for two years - the first two-year cycle in the history of the franchise.

Iconic landscapes such as Highrise, Favela, Quarry, and Terminal had already been leaked to play some part in the next iteration of Call of Duty play, whether it was by being embedded into the Warzone 2 map or being released as standalone multiplayer maps once again.

This recent leak suggests that much more is coming from IW though, including the likes of Rust (again), Scrapyard, Afghan, Skidrow, Invasion, and Estate, all of which were popular maps back in 2009. It's yet to be seen as to whether any of the old-school weapons will also be added though, and it's likely that the maps will simply slot into the new Modern Warfare 2 age rather than be a direct port over from the past generation.

The developers seem to be only leaning into this for the second year of Modern Warfare 2 though, meaning that the first year will be heavily focused on original content. 

So far, we've already seen Farm 18 and Marina Bay Grand Prix unveiled, and there could be up to 14 more 6v6 maps coming in year one.

With a mix of nostalgia and brand-new content, it appears that the armada of Modern Warfare 2 hopefuls will be more than pleased with the multiplayer variety.

Jack Marsh
About the author
Jack Marsh
Jack is an Esports Journalist at GGRecon. He joined the team after graduating from the University of Chester, with a BA Honours degree in Journalism. Specialising in Rocket League, Call of Duty, and trending gaming news, Jack aims to bridge the gap between players and audiences with interviews and creative features, alongside breaking esports news. Having been an avid esports enthusiast since Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, he is also knowledgeable in VALORANT and League of Legends.
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