Activision Knows 'High-Profile' Streamers Use Cheating Software

Activision Knows 'High-Profile' Streamers Use Cheating Software
Activision | Sony

Written by 

Jack Marsh


5th Oct 2022 12:56

"Cheaters never prosper", that's the motto we all grow up learning. Well, Activision doesn't do parenting all too well, apparently, and instead lives by the phrase "cheaters never prosper unless you're a high-profile streamer and then we'll let you do whatever you want as long as you make us money".

The cheating accusations among high-profile Call of Duty players have been quite well documented in recent weeks - highlighted by the folly investigation launched by ex-pro Doug "Censor" Martin.

Ongoing witch hunts are targeted at quite a few sus players, yet it appears that Activision actually has the most knowledge themselves. The gaming giant has admitted to knowing 'high-profile streamers' use cheat software.

Activision's Legal Battle Opens Up Information About 'Known' Cheaters

In an ongoing legal case against EngineOwning, a public cheat provider for Warzone and Vanguard, Activision has been hunting compensation for the damages done to their title.  However, Activision's suit let slip that the Call of Duty publishers know that some of the EngineOwning customers are high-profile streamers within the United States.

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The lawsuit doesn't detail any specific names, or even insinuate any one individual, but it does open a can of worms to what is defined as high-profile. More than this, we're also asking why Activision is allowing them to play. We guess it all comes down to money... as usual. 


High-Profile Streamers Known To Cheat In Call of Duty

Cheating allegations have only really come to fruition since the evolution of PC crossplay, but the cheats can actually date back to Black Ops 1, a whopping 12 years ago. According to Activision, the website has been providing cheats for Call of Duty for that long, and even launch holiday savings offers. 

Activision does have a stern policy in place against cheaters and has already banned hundreds of thousands of accounts in the last two years alone - only heightened by Riccochet's introduction. The developers may actually be referring to some streamers that they've already banned.

There are no household Call of Duty names, or CoDPartners, that have been banned, although one streamer who competed in Warzone events was found to be using wall-hacks back in 2020.

These documents threaten to lift the lid on a murky subculture inside the CoDverse, but in all likelihood, it's just going to lead to more finger-pointing from angry "pros" who aren't happy with their current placement in the rankings. 

Jack Marsh
About the author
Jack Marsh
Jack is an Esports Journalist at GGRecon. He joined the team after graduating from the University of Chester, with a BA Honours degree in Journalism. Specialising in Rocket League, Call of Duty, and trending gaming news, Jack aims to bridge the gap between players and audiences with interviews and creative features, alongside breaking esports news. Having been an avid esports enthusiast since Call of Duty: Black Ops 2, he is also knowledgeable in VALORANT and League of Legends.
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