Where To Pre-Order Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom Collector’s Edition (UK/US)

Where To Pre-Order Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom Collector’s Edition (UK/US)
Images via Nintendo

Written by 

Daniel Hollis


9th Feb 2023 16:44

While we already knew the release date for The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom, the most recent Nintendo Direct also revealed all regarding a Collector’s Edition.

This limited edition version of the game is perfect for any Zelda fan out there, and a beautiful way to commemorate one of 2023’s biggest games. Complete with the game, steel book, poster, and a set of collective pins, it’s hard to resist paying the extra for a quality set.

However, with such a high-in-demand product, it’s no surprise to learn The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Collector’s Edition is a highly sought title. If you want to know where you can secure your pre-order in the UK or the US then look no further.

Where To Pre-Order Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom Collector’s Edition (UK/US)

Click to enlarge

Unlike other Nintendo titles such as Xenoblade Chronicles 3 - which had a Collector’s Edition exclusive to the Nintendo Store - The Legend of Zelda: Tears Of The Kingdom is a little easier to come across as it’s being spread out across numerous retailers.

Currently, only a few in both the UK and the US have pre-orders available for The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Collector’s Edition, but we imagine more will open over the coming days and weeks. If it’s out of stock across all the sites in your region, be sure to check back for further retailers stocking it.



There are not too many at present, however, as mentioned before, we imagine more and more will become available in the coming days and weeks. If you’ve missed out on The Legend of Zelda: Tears of the Kingdom Collector’s Edition, be sure to check back in the future for updates!

  • Also check out our Zelda hub for more news, features, and guides!
Daniel Hollis
About the author
Daniel Hollis
Daniel is a Guides Writer for GGRecon. Having originally focused on film journalism, he eventually made the jump to writing about games in 2020, writing for sites such as NME. Eurogamer, GamesRadar, Tech Radar, and more. After a short stint in PR, he is back in the world of games media writing about his favourite games, including Bioshock, Fable, or everything Fortnite and Xbox Game Pass related.
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The Legend Of Zelda Tears Of The Kingdom: Release Date, Gameplay, Trailers & More