We Love Katamari Reroll Release Date, Trailers, Gameplay, & More

We Love Katamari Reroll Release Date, Trailers, Gameplay, & More
Images via Bandai Namco

Written by 

Harry Boulton


9th Feb 2023 15:48

The time has finally come for We Love Katamari to receive the Reroll treatment and be brought to modern platforms. As the sequel to the famous and well-loved Katamari Damacy, We Love Katamari is a celebration of the art of rolling things up and is a must-play if you want more action. So, to see all of the information regarding the release date, trailers, and gameplay of We Love Katamari Reroll, make sure to read the rest of this guide below.

We Love Katamari Reroll Release Date

We Love Katamari Reroll Release Date
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The official We Love Katamari Reroll release date is set for June 2, 2023. This is thankfully not too far away, which is excellent news for anyone keen to revisit or roll for the first time.

It comes painstakingly four and a half years after the re-release of Katamari Damacy, meaning that players who fell in love with the first game have been left starving for far too long. Thankfully We Love Katamari is the best follow-up possible, celebrating the series as adequately as the name suggests.

We Love Katamari Reroll Trailers

There's only one trailer for We Love Katamari Reroll at the moment, and it is the one that was shown at the Nintendo Direct. The trailer shows all of the updated visuals which are just as pretty as the first game's remaster, alongside a glimpse of the various levels and some new content too.

If you're wanting more though, there are of course trailers available from the game's original release - including this one from the E3 presentation of the game. You are able to get a greater glimpse of some of the best levels in the game, from gigantic snowballs to aquatic adventures.

We Love Katamari Reroll Gameplay

We Love Katamari Reroll Gameplay
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If you've not played one of the Katamari games before you might be wondering what you actually do, but that's the thing - all you technically do is roll around picking stuff up and it couldn't be more fun!

Generally, the 'normal' levels in the game - if you can call them that - task you to reach a certain size within a specific time frame. You will only be able to pick small items up to start with, but as your Katamari grows so does your ability to big up larger and larger items.

However, there is an abundance of levels that explore different goals, making you complete a wide array of tasks within vastly different settings. There is a level where you're rolling around a sumo wrestler, picking up food so that he gets heavier. On another, you have to collect animals in your Katamari so a dog you've met has friends.

While you can jump into We Love Katamari Reroll if you've not played a Katamari game before, it is recommended that you give Katamari Damacy a go first. The 'stories' aren't connected outside of everyone in a metatextual way loving Katamari and The King of All Cosmos, but it does very much feel like a love letter to the first title in how it expands upon and relays back.

We Love Katamari Reroll New Content

We Love Katamari Reroll New Content
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We Love Katamari is not just a straight remaster though, as there are a couple of new additions that will be very much welcomed. First, and most significant of all, is the addition of Royal Reverie, which is a set of completely new levels from the perspective of the King when he was younger.

This is a huge addition, as if the new levels are anywhere near the quality of those already in the game then we're in for an absolute treat. How many we will be treated to and what form they will take is yet to be known, but it should hopefully make the package even sweeter.

Furthermore, you are now able to take photos with a new selfie camera. If you've ever wanted to show off your findings, or roll past a photo op too good to pass up then you should be overjoyed with this change. It also gives you the chance to show off all of your hard-earned accessories too, giving you even more reason to seek out those pesky presents on each level.

Finally, there is now the option to curate your own playlist with the various songs in the game. This is fantastic news if you have any personal favourites, and we certainly won't turn down the chance to play Bluffing Damacy and Disco Prince at every opportunity.

We Love Katamari Reroll Platforms

We Love Katamari Reroll Platforms
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Unlike its original release which was tied exclusively to the PlayStation 2, We Love Katamari Reroll is coming to a wide range of devices. Check out the list below to see all of the platforms that you can play We Love Katamari Reroll on:

  • Nintendo Switch
  • PlayStation 5
  • PlayStation 4
  • Xbox Series X|S
  • PC

So, that wraps up everything you need to know before the release of We Love Katamari Reroll.

Make sure to continue reading GGRecon to stay up to date with any further news.

Harry Boulton
About the author
Harry Boulton
Harry is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He has written for sites like The Loadout, PCGamesN, and Red Bull Gaming. You can most likely find him blathering about Counter Strike or praying that Bloodborne somehow makes it onto PC.
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