Splitgate Tips And Tricks To Help You Win

Splitgate Tips And Tricks To Help You Win
Images: 1047 Games

Written by 

Jason Coles


11th Aug 2021 13:52

Surviving without our Splitgate tips and tricks is possible, but you’re going to have a much easier time of things with a little bit of help. In a world filled with portals, absurd weapons, and some of the most fun you can have in a first-person shooter. Splitgate isn’t just a fast-paced game, but one where physics are essentially meaningless too, and it takes a bit of getting used to. That’s why you need these top Splitgate tips.

Splitgate Tips And Tricks 

Now, these are generally aimed at newer players, but given that the game’s not actually out yet, and that just getting to play it in the first place is a test of sorts, we figure that’s going to mean they will help out a lot of you. We could throw in a free tip about making sure you don’t get shot,  but that does feel a little crass. Anyway, onto the actual Splitgate tips and tricks. 

Splitgate Tips: Use Your Portals

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This may seem like an obvious one in a game about portals, but make sure you actually make full use of them. You’ll often see players moving around the map as if they don’t have godlike powers over time and space, but you definitely do, so always make sure to use your portals. You can use them to spring sneak attacks, escape a tricky fight, and even just put them down on a surface to stop enemy portals appearing there, so make sure you actually use them.

Splitgate Tips: Close Your Portals

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On that subject, try to get used to closing portals behind you as you go too; it’s not like you were raised in a barn. Even if you were raised in a barn, you should always remember that if you can use a portal, so can everyone else, and that means your surprise attack could backfire when one of the enemies follow you through and shoot you in the back. 

Splitgate Tips: Think About Where You’re Standing

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This is the last one about portals, we promise. Given that Splitgate is all about shooting and also portals, you need to consider where you are a little more carefully. While in many FPS games, you’re safe if you’ve got a wall at your back, that’s not the case here. Always keep in mind where any portal surfaces are so that you can keep half an eye on them as you’re fighting the good fight elsewhere. This is especially true if you’re expecting to have to make a quick escape at any point. 

Splitgate Tips: Get A Better Weapon 

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While everyone starts with the same weapons in Splitgate, all weapons are very much not equal. You should, ideally, try and ditch your starting weapons as soon as you can in favour of some of the excellent options you can find littered around each level. Basically, every other weapon is going to outperform your starting gear, and given that this is a game about shooting people, you’re going to want to make sure you can’t blame your tools.

Splitgate Tips: You Don’t Have To Fight 

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This is a weird one for modern-day FPS games, but you don’t actually have to fight all the time. Positioning is incredibly important in every shooter, but unless you’re playing a specific character in Apex, you don’t often have the chance to escape from dicey situations like someone getting the drop on you. With Splitgate, and with portals, you don’t have to stand there and fight. Instead, you’re often better off getting out of there as fast as possible, or relocating to a better viewpoint. You can still continue the fight once you’ve moved, but you don’t have to accept whatever the conditions are at the beginning of the fight. Instead, you can change things up constantly to try and keep the advantage. Sure, your ability to shoot helps, but it’s not the be-all-end-all here. 

Splitgate Tips: Don’t Reload In A Firefight

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It can be incredibly tempting to hit reload and hope you survive long enough to put ammo back in your gun, but it’s substantially better to just swap weapons. Because Splitgate seems to favour pure undiluted fun above all else, there’s really no reason to not just change your weapon and keep shooting. That being said, make sure you reload your weapons after each fight, otherwise you’ll be swapping to an empty gun, and that’s definitely a lot worse than reloading. 

Splitgate Tips: Learn The Maps

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Splitgate has a mode called “Race Training” that can be a huge boon for new players who want to learn the lay of the land. While there’s not an overabundance of maps, and they’re not complicated as such, learning a few good portal positions and lines of attack and escape will help you out massively. It’s also a lot of fun to mess around in this mode anyway and you can tick off some weekly challenges while doing so, which is a win-win in our book. 


Now you know all of our top Splitgate tips, jump in-game and try them out, then come back to GGRecon for more of the latest Splitgate guides and news.


Jason Coles
About the author
Jason Coles
Jason is a freelance writer for GGRecon. Jason can be found writing just about everywhere and enjoys push-ups and roguelikes.
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