Sifu Upgrades: How To Unlock Skills And Upgrade Your Character

Sifu Upgrades: How To Unlock Skills And Upgrade Your Character
Image: Sloclap

Written by 

Aaron Bayne


8th Feb 2022 16:12

If you are a little perplexed by how Sifu upgrades and unlocks work, then worry no more, as we're here to explain it all. On the surface, Sifu is a very simple game. However, it also has a ton of additional layers in the form of its combat, ageing system, and upgrade system, making for an interesting meta.

But how do upgrades work in Sifu? And how do you unlock new abilities? Well, in this Sifu upgrades explained guide, we'll show you how the system works, and how to upgrade and unlock skills in the first place. 

  • Sifu is a tough game, so be sure to check out our Sifu tips guide for a helping hand. 

Sifu Upgrades Explained: Upgrades And Unlocks

Sifu upgrades and unlocks are two very different aspects to the kung-fu beat-em-up, so it's good to know how they differ. Unlocks in the game allude to skills, which come in the form of combos and abilities - for the best of them, check out our Sifu skills guide. These can be specific to a run but also carry over if you restart. 

Upgrades on the other hand, are specific to each run, so if you decide to go back to the start to lower the age during each level, then all your upgrades will reset. Upgrades tend to relate to health regeneration, resilience increases, weapons durability, and more. 


Sifu Upgrades Explained: How To Upgrade Your Character 

Sifu Upgrades Explained: Shrines let you upgrade your character.
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To access Sifu upgrades, you will need to keep an eye out for Shrines, which are dotted around each of the five levels. These are easy to miss but are recognisable by their light green colour. By approaching a Shrine you will be able to access one upgrade. These upgrades are available or locked depending on your age, amount of XP, and overall level score. As far as we can tell, there tend to be around three Shrines per level. Here are each of the upgrades available through Shrines: 


  • Increase Maximum Structure
  • Increase Health Gained On Takedowns
  • Increased Weapons Durability 


  • Increase Structure Gained On Successful Avoid
  • Increased Focus Regain On Successful Avoid Or Parr
  • Increase Impact Of Parry On Opponent Structure


  • Add Focus Bars
  • Improve Weapon Damage And Impact On Opponent Structure
  • Reset Your Death Counter To Zero

Each of these upgrades can be purchased three times, before maxing out. 

Sifu Upgrades Explained: How To Unlock Skills

Sifu Upgrades Explained: There is a literal skill tree in Sifu
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If you are wondering how to unlock skills in Sifu, then you'll be relieved to know the process is simple, but it will require a bit of a grind. Each of the 24 skills available across the game aren't locked by level, so you can unlock them in any order you wish.

However, the catch is that if you want the skill to remain permanently, you'll need to purchase it five times on top of the initial unlock. So if a skill costs 500XP, then that's 500 for the initial unlock, plus an additional 2,500XP. Luckily any purchases you make beyond the initial unlock will remain, so you won't need to purchase it five times again, if you only managed to purchase it three times before. However, the initial unlock will return each time. 

If you are in the Wuguan (your home base), you can access any of these unlocks via a tree found in the centre of the building. However, you can also unlock skills mid-level. Every time you are killed you will be granted the ability to spend the XP you've earned so far on skills. And on top of this, Shrines give you the ability to access the skill tree as well as the upgrades. 

That's everything you need to know about Sifu upgrades and unlocks. Now hone your skills and become the best kung-fu warrior you can be. 

Now you know how to upgrade, it would be best to learn the most powerful Sifu skills.

Aaron Bayne
About the author
Aaron Bayne
Aaron is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He’s written for sites such as BBC The Social, NME, Turtle Beach, and more. He’s a live-service enthusiast that loves to squad up in everything from Apex Legends to The Division 2. If he isn’t screaming at his teammates, you can still find him blubbering over The Last of Us Part II.
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