New Tales From The Borderlands Vaultlanders Locations

New Tales From The Borderlands Vaultlanders Locations
Images via Gearbox Software

Written by 

Tarran Stockton


25th Oct 2022 10:51

You may want to know what the New Tales From The Borderlands Vaultlanders locations are, as you can collect these figurines at various points throughout the game and use them in Vaultlander battles. New Tales From The Borderlands is the sequel to the beloved Borderlands point and click spin off, and it comes with a few new features, such as the Vaultlander battles. So if you want to collect all the figurines during your adventure, check out the New Tales From The Borderlands Vaultlanders Locations. 

New Tales From The Borderlands Vaultlanders Locations: Episode One 


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During the section when Anu has to escape from the ship with Phuong, Phuong will opt to cause a distraction and give you her lucky Phuong Vaultlander. 


During the section when you can control Octavio near Paco's Taco truck, you will be able to collect the first optional Vaultlander. Across from Paco's truck, there is a pile of rubbish next to a dumpster. You can interact with the rubbish to get the Claptrap Vaultlander. 


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During the inspection of Fran's Frogurts by Reba, move toward the side of the diner with the music box, and inspect the rubble on the floor opposite. You will be able to punch it away and collect Amara. 

New Tales From The Borderlands Vaultlanders Locations: Episode Two


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During the sequence in the sewers, you will come to a part where Octavio attempts to sneak toward a guard inside a box. He's no Solid Snake though, so when he fails, the guard will challenge him to a Vaultlanders battle. You need to defeat him, and you will earn the Zane collectable. 

New Tales From The Borderlands Vaultlanders Locations: Episode Three


During the section where you can explore Fran's Frogurts as Anu to look for materials, interact with the fridge in the storage room. You will find the Badass Superfan who will challenge you to a duel. Win to earn the Vasquez Vaultlander. 



When you get to explore the morgue as Anu, head toward the back left of the room straight away, and interact with the cold locker in the corner. The Badass Superfan will be inside and will challenge you to a Vaultlander duel. Defeat him to get the Roland collectable. 

New Tales From The Borderlands Vaultlanders Locations: Episode Four


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During the section where Anu gets to explore a lab, if you walk up the stairs toward the large desk, you can find the Maya Vaultlander next to the computer. 


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When Fran is in the fake Fran's Frogurt store, you can find the boot of a car built into the side of the wall near the storage doors. If you interact with it, you will find the Badass Superfan who will challenge you to a Vaultlanders battle. Defeat him to get the Brick Vaultlander. 


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When Fran is in the fake Fran's Frogurts store, head behind the counter and interact with the cash register to collect the Mordecai Vaultlander. 


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During the part when Fran is tracking down L0U13, as you go to help him, the Badass Superfan will appear out of nowhere to challenge you. Defeat him to get the Moze Vaultlander. 

New Tales From The Borderlands Vaultlanders Locations: Episode Five

Handsome Jack

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During the section in Susan Coldwell's office as Octavio, if you head up the stairs toward the desk and turn left, you'll find a red X on the ground with a Handsome Jack Vaultlander. Interact with it and the Badass Superfan will appear and challenge you. Defeat him to get the collectable. 


new tales from the borderlands vaultlanders krieg
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After Octavio, Fran, and L0u13 finally track down Anu, you will come across Stapleface pretending to be a Tediore soldier. When presented with the choice to protect Anu or tackle Stapleface, choose to tackle her and she will give you the Krieg Vaultlander as a symbol of friendship. 


After completing the game, you will unlock the Lilith Vaultlander.


Dependent on which ending you receive. 


Dependent on which ending you receive. 


Dependent on which ending you receive. 

That's all for our breakdown of the New Tales From The Borderlands Vaultlanders locations, and now you can start building your collection. We'll make sure to update this once we discover the Vaultlanders we missed. 

Tarran Stockton
About the author
Tarran Stockton
Tarran Stockton is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He started his career writing video game reviews for his college newspaper, and studied Media and Communication at the University of Leicester. These days you can find him cranking his FOV up to 100 and playing retro shooters until hand cramp sets in.
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