New Tales From The Borderlands: Release Date, Trailers, Gameplay, And More

New Tales From The Borderlands: Release Date, Trailers, Gameplay, And More
Images via Gearbox Software

Written by 

Tarran Stockton


17th Oct 2022 13:45

Tales from the Borderlands was one of the biggest surprises to come out of the original Telltale Games run, and it ended up becoming one of the best pieces of Borderlands media, but Gearbox is seeking to revive the narrative-driven adventure with their own attempt - New Tales from the Borderlands. The game was heavily teased for a while before being officially announced at Gamescom Opening Night Live 2022 in August, where we got to see a trailer full of high jinks and irreverent Borderlands humour. So check out everything we know about New Tales from the Borderlands, including the release date, gameplay, and more. 

New Tales From The Borderlands Release Date

New Tales from the Borderlands is confirmed to be releasing on October 21, meaning it's coming quite soon after the official announcement at Gamescom. The original Tales from the Borderlands was released over the course of a year in five episodes, and while this game is confirmed to be episodic, it seems like all of them are set to release at the same time. No waiting in between necessary.

New Tales From The Borderlands Trailers

The only trailer we have had a glimpse of so far was the official announcement trailer that debuted during Gamescom Opening Night Live 2022. It began with the voice of narration of everyone's favourite arms dealer, Marcus Kincaid, as he introduced us to the trio of protagonists: Anu, Octavio, and Fran. 


Over the course of the trailer, it establishes they are con artists of some sort looking to get a big score from a vault aboard a station orbiting Pandora, all while dealing with an invasion from Tediore that they are caught in the middle of. There were some other new characters shown off in the trailer too, such as an assassin droid called Lou13, Susan Caldwell the CEO of Tediore, and more. 

With it being confirmed that you can once again make choices to influence the narrative direction, this trailer likely only shows off one track of the wider story. 

New Tales From The Borderlands Gameplay

New Tales From The Borderlands Gameplay
Click to enlarge

The only trailer we have seen so far didn't show a huge amount of playable gameplay, but in narrative driven adventure games, cutscenes are just as much a part of the gameplay as anything else. However, there were some glimpses of a combat section between two figurines that seemed to take on a turn-based direction. This could play a large role in the whole experience, or just be a one-off section like the finger gun battle in the original. 

A large part of the gameplay is confirmed to deal with making choices and dealing with their consequences on the story. This was a large aspect of the original Tales from the Borderlands, but players criticised the deceptive nature of the choices in many of the Telltale Games titles, meaning we could get a story that changes far more based on player involvement. The game's website already highlights that the three protagonists all have different goals that may overlap or cause conflict between them, so the character dynamics of the group are likely to change as you progress through the episodes. 

New Tales From The Borderlands Platforms

New Tales from the Borderlands is confirmed to be releasing on the PlayStation 4, PlayStation 5, Xbox One, Xbox Series X|S, and PC. 

Tarran Stockton
About the author
Tarran Stockton
Tarran Stockton is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He started his career writing video game reviews for his college newspaper, and studied Media and Communication at the University of Leicester. These days you can find him cranking his FOV up to 100 and playing retro shooters until hand cramp sets in.
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