LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga Capital Ships List | How To Unlock Every Capital Ship

LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga Capital Ships List | How To Unlock Every Capital Ship
Images via TT Games

Written by 

Kane Hocking


28th Apr 2022 12:29

There are five LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga capital ships available for purchase, with each one providing a whole new open world area for you to explore and items to collect. These new areas require multiple steps to come across and because of this, they can be missed entirely if a player isn’t determined to do everything the game has to offer. We'd strongly recommend hunting them all down though, as these capital ships provide some of the best locations ever to grace a LEGO Star Wars game. So here is our guide on how to unlock every capital ship in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga.

How To Unlock Capital Ships In LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga

LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Capital Ships Unlock Guide
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Images via TT Games

Capital ships in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga each have their own unique steps that are required for the player to complete before becoming available for purchase in the menu. These tasks range from simply finding the ship and boarding it to full planet hopping side quests. 

The price of purchasing these ships are staggered at 2,000,000, 3,000,000 and 5,000,000 studs with the grand total cost of all five being 18,000,000 studs. That can be quite a hefty amount of studs for you to be required to pay so we recommend collecting a few of the LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga datacards hidden throughout the game and purchasing a few of the stud multipliers to make collecting the required amount of studs easier. Here is how to unlock every capital ship in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga in episodic order.

LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga Capital Ships List: Trade Federation Battleship

LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Trade Federation Battleship Capital Ship Guide
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Images via TT Games

The Trade Federation Battleship can be found in the space surrounding the prequel planets of Geonosis, Mustafar, Naboo and Utapau. They may take a while to appear so fly around the area for a few minutes doing some of the tasks to check before moving on to the next planet if nothing appears. As is the case with most of the capital ships, you will need to lower their defences before boarding the ship, at which point you will be tasked with defeating the droids in the landing bay. After clearing the droids, you need to chase the boss of the ship, Captain Nuno Tuuk.

Eventually, you will be trapped but escaping is simple. All you need to do is have one character stand on the button while the other removes the power cell. Taking the last power cell and placing it into the open socket will let you escape the trap, beginning the boss fight. Nuno Tuuk will run away from the player in a square around the ship but simply keep blasting him with ranged weapons and you’ll soon defeat him. Once you do so, the Trade Federation Battleship will be purchasable for 3,000,000 studs in the menu.

LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga Capital Ships List: Death Star

LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Death Star Capital Ship Guide
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Images via TT Games

Perhaps the most iconic single ship in all of Star Wars, the Death Star boasts a massive 5,000,000 stud cost alongside the most complicated and interesting method of obtaining it. Firstly, the player is going to need to have completed the entirety of Episode IV: A New Hope and have played enough of the prequel trilogy to unlock Coruscant’s Federal District area.

Once this is done, travel to Yavin 4’s temple map and head towards the top of the temple to collect the side mission “Operation: Stardust” from a rebel engineer. Travel to Coruscant’s Federal District and use the air taxi there to head towards the Coruscant Senate Building. You’ll find out that the plans were already stolen and will need to track down the thief back in the western part of the North Landing Pad area. Approaching the thief will cause them to throw a smoke bomb and run away. Give chase until they enter an AT-ST then use grenades to destroy it, allowing you to collect the plans and return to Yavin 4. After turning in the quest, you’ll be able to purchase the Death Star.


LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga Capital Ships List: Executor Super Star Destroyer

LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Executor Capital Ships Unlock Guide
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Images via TTGames

Darth Vader’s personal Super Star Destroyer, the Executor, can also be purchased and boarded in LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga. To do this, fly around Tatooine or Bespin space until the executor appears then take down its defences and board the ship.

Once boarded, defeat all the waves of Stormtroopers to draw out the mini-boss of the ship, TT-2005, a clever nod to the first LEGO Star Wars game’s release in 2005, also made by Traveler’s Tales. After defeating TT-2005, collect the keycard and use it before defeating the final boss of the ship, General Rothlan. After defeating Rothlan, the Executor will be purchasable for 5,000,000 studs.

LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga Capital Ships List: Death Star 2

LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Death Star 2 Capital Ship Unlock Guide
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Images Via TT Games

Before you can begin the process of unlocking the second Death Star, you first must have beaten Episode VI: Return Of The Jedi. After you’re done, head down to Endor and speak to the Ewok engineer right in-front of the landing area. You will be tasked with collecting nine pieces of debris. After you’ve collected all the debris, simply return to the Ewok engineer and you’ll be able to purchase the second Death Star for 2,000,000 studs. 

LEGO Star Wars The Skywalker Saga Capital Ships List: Steadfast Star Destroyer

LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga Steadfast Capital Ship Unlock Guide
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Images via TT Games

The final ship is Kylo Ren’s personal Star Destroyer known as the Steadfast and it can be found in the space surrounding Cantonica, Exegol, Jakku, or Pasaana. As was the case for Executor and Trade Federation Battleship, the defences of the Steadfast need to be taken down first before you can board. Once you board, you will need to defeat the Stormtoopers inside and obtain a keycard, after which players may jump over the fire and begin chasing Captain Swarton. Swarton will hide behind one of the red shields.

To turn it off, simply use a protocol droid on the terminal next to it and use the turret to destroy the generators. After the shields are down, you can defeat Captain Swarton only for it to be revealed that they you defeated was a decoy, with the real Captain being in the landing area riding in an AT-ST. Use grenades to destroy the AT-ST and once you’ve defeated the real Swarton, the Steadfast can be purchased for 3,000,000 credits.

Want to beat every challenge in the game? Check out our guide on the LEGO Star Wars: The Skywalker Saga challenges.


Kane Hocking
About the author
Kane Hocking
Kane Hocking is a BJTC accredited journalism graduate with a passion for video games and media production. Above all else, Kane loves storytelling; often experiencing the latest blockbuster AAA narratives or creating his own through the countless hours he pours into RPGs."
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