League of Legends: Wild Rift America Release Date

League of Legends: Wild Rift America Release Date

Written by 

Arnab Baidya


9th Mar 2021 18:00

League of Legends: Wild Rift has been one of the most anticipated mobile games since its announcement back in December 2019, and Riot Games has always made sure that the launch of the game is as smooth as possible. They started to release the beta version of Wild Rift slowly in different phases and regions to fix the issues encountered (if any) before its global release.

While announcing the open beta for various regions, Riot mentioned that League of Legends: Wild Rift will be launched in the Americas during Spring 2021.

Finally, the release has been confirmed by Riot Games and League of Legends: Wild Rift will be available in the Americas from March 29 onwards. Along with this, here are some more details announced by Riot Games regarding the launch of League of Legends: Wild Rift open beta in the Americas region.

Who can play on Americas Server

Once the Americas server is live, players whose IP address locations don’t match their registered account locations will receive a message when they launch the game about how the developers have assigned new servers for the Americas region and what it will mean to the new and current players. Here are the complete details regarding the same:

Riot Games is using a separate server infrastructure for the Americas, which is entirely different from the rest of the world. This will allow players to connect only with players from the same server, and they won’t be able to play with players from the other regions even if they are abroad. Similarly, players from other regions won’t be able to login into the game if connected to the Americas’ location. This step has been taken to ensure that they keep their player base on the correct server, which can also mean this can solve the latency issues that occur due to VPN and cross-server matching.

How to log in on Americas Server

Firstly, if you have an account with a location outside the Americas but you sign in from a location in the Americas region, you will be prompted to migrate your account to the Americas server. In this process, your account will get completely reset, including your progress and content, i.e. you will have to start again from level 1. Only the Wild Cores purchased by you will get restored. If you don’t live in the Americas region and still get a prompt to migrate your account, check your network setting or if you are connected to any VPN services.

However, for the players to catch up with the world, Riot is preparing an event specifically for the Americas region where they can earn lots of Blue Motes, XP, champions, and even exclusive content from long expired events. Along with this, if you have spent time playing League of Legends on PC, you will be able to redeem some bonus via the Rift to Rift rewards. Riot has also announced a new global event called the Wild Rift Journey, and they will be releasing details about it soon.


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Images via Riot Games

Arnab Baidya
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Arnab Baidya
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