League Of Legends: Patch 11.4 Brings Changes To Champions, Jungle, And Items

League Of Legends: Patch 11.4 Brings Changes To Champions, Jungle, And Items

Written by 

Rijit Banerjee


15th Feb 2021 17:30

League of Legends' latest patch notes for 11.4 have been shared by Mark Yetter, Gameplay Design Director for Riot Games. As the professional leagues all over the world have started competing, the developers have also kept a keen eye on the competitive matches. Riot severely nerfed last patch, the healing meta of mythic items like Goredrinker, and other items to bring down champions like Aatrox, Olaf back into a more balanced position.

However, this time, the 11.4 patch focuses on jungle nerfs, some item buffs, and critical champion changes that will affect the competitive play in the upcoming weeks. Before diving into the changes' intricacies, do keep in mind that these changes might slightly vary in the final patch notes; therefore, take them with a grain of salt.


First, let's highlight all the item changes that should be taking place in the 11.4 patch of League of Legends, and then analyse the effects that these changes might have on the current meta of the game.

1. Chempunk Chainsword (Buff)
Health= 150 increased to 250.
2. Cosmic Drive (Adjusted)
[Removed] Movement speed on-spell hit.
[New] If you have 160 ability power, gain 20 ability haste and 10-30 move speed based on your level.
Ability haste= 30 reduced to 20. 
3. Everfrost (Adjusted)
Cast time= 0.25 seconds changed to 0.15. Spell delay unchanged.
Build path Change= Lost Chapter + Blasting Wand+ 1250 gold changed to 
Lost Chapter + Blasting Wand + Kindlegem + 450 gold.
Health=200 increased to 250.
Active damage= 100 (+30% ability power) increased to 125 (+35% ability power).
4. Guinsoo’s Rageblade (Buff)
Attacked speed= 40% increased to 45%.
5. Moonstone Renewer (Nerf)
Base heal= 70-100 reduced to 50-100 (depending on champion level).
6. Morellonomicon (Buff)
Ability power= 70 increased to 80.
7. Mortal Reminder (Buff)
Attack damage= 20 increased to 25.

League Of Legends: Patch 11.4
Click to enlarge

Moonstone Renewer is getting slightly nerfed after the enchanter meta came into the competitive matches, with champions like Lulu and Soraka dealing a huge burst of damage with the addition of healing to help their teams succeed. The developers have also buffed a ton of healing reduction items to encourage further counter-play to the increasingly heal-based meta in the game.

Moreover, several items like Cosmic Drive and Everfrost have been adjusted to overall shape the items' usage and make it a better choice for the players.


1.   Amumu (Buff)
E base damage= 75-155 increased to 75-175.
2.   Braum (Buff)
R cooldown= 140-100 reduced to 120-80 seconds.
3.   Caitlyn (Buff)
Attack damage per level= 3.3 increased to 3.8.
Attack speed per level= 3.5% increased to 4%.
4.    Camille (Nerf)
W cooldown= 15-9 increased to 17-11.
5.    Fiora (Buff)
Passive damage= 2.5% (+4.5% per 100 attack damage) increased to 3% (+5.5% per 100 attack damage).
6.    Jinx (Buff)
Base health= 550 increased to 610.
7.    Kai'Sa (Nerf)
Q base damage per missile= 45-110 reduced to 40-100; max single target 101.25-247.5 reduced to 90-225; evolved max= 168-412.5 reduced to 150-375.
8.    Katarina (Buff)
R on-hit damage modifier= 25% changed to 25/30/35%, physical damage per dagger= 15% base attack damage (1 + 0.66 bonus attack speed) ⇒ 16% (1 + 0.8).
9.    Lee Sin (Buff)
Q cooldown= 11-7 reduced to 10-6.
10.    Renekton (Nerf)
Q healing from minions= 3-9 reduced to 3-7, empowered healing= 9-27 reduced to 9-21.
11.    Samira (Adjusted and Nerf)
[Removed] E can dash to allies.
E dash speed= 2050 reduced to 1600.
W duration= 1 reduced to 0.75 seconds.
Q damage ratio= 100 reduced to 80-110% total attack damage.
Passive melee damage bonus ratio 7.5 ⇒ 3.5-9.5% total attack damage.
R cooldown= 3 increased to 8 seconds.
12.    Skarner (Nerf)
Base health= 601 reduced to 580.
Health per level= 90 reduced to 85.
13.    Soraka (Buff)
Q movement speed bonus= 15-25 increased to 20-30%.
W base heal= 90-230 increased to 100-240.
14.    Talon (Buff)
W cooldown= 9 increased to 9-7, outgoing bonus attack damage ratio 0.4 increased to 0.55 seconds.
15.    Tryndamere (Buff)
Base attack damage= 69 increased to 72.
16.    Urgot (Buff)
W on-hit damage effectiveness= 50% increased to 75%.
17.    Varus (Buff)
W active= 0-50 increased to 0-80% for damage based on Q range.
W max= 9-21-10.8-25.2% missing health damage.
18.    Veigar (Buff)
Q mana cost= 40-60 reduced to 30-60.
R cooldown= 120-80 reduced to 120-60 seconds.
19.     Viego (Buff)
[New] Q healing reduced to 100% vs minions.

League Of Legends: Patch 11.4
Click to enlarge

Several champions like Camille and Renekton got nerfed due to their high play-rate in the competitive matches in terms of the champions, even though these nerfs weren't strong enough to push them off the current meta. Moreover, several old champions got small buffs to their kit to make them a viable option in the upcoming matches. The adjustments made to Samira's kit was huge, and it should affect the play-rate of the champion, making her a late-game threat like the other ADCs in the meta.


The Jungle has played a dominant role in League of Legends, and the developers are making small nerfs to the creeps like Gromp, Krugs, and Razorbeak. These nerfs to the overall gold and experience points will make it harder for the junglers to snowball matches. It would also allow enemy teams to bounce back more manageably from a deficit in the matches.


Images via Riot Games

Rijit Banerjee
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