How To Double Jump In Bloodhunt

How To Double Jump In Bloodhunt
Images via Digital Extremes

Written by 

Tarran Stockton


10th May 2022 16:23

You may want to know how to double jump in Bloodhunt, as it's become a very useful movement mechanic for extending your duration in the air and reaching heights much easier. Vampire the Masquerade - Bloodhunt is the latest battle royale to hit the market, letting players battle it out as vampires in the middle of modern day Prague. With its emphasis on verticality and constant motion, you'll need our explainer on how to double jump in Bloodhunt.

  • Our Bloodhunt tips provide more help for teaching you how to make the most of the game's mechanics and rise up the leaderboards. 

How To Double Jump In Bloodhunt

How To Double Jump In Bloodhunt
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So the ability to double jump in Bloodhunt isn't an intended thing, and is a minor exploit or bug that players can make use of. It's been in the game since the beta, so it doesn't seem that the developers are intent on patching it out, but it's still worth noting that this trick may not work forever. 


The process is quite simple and shouldn't take long to learn and master. To do the double jump, you will first need to have your unarmed attacks or any melee weapon readied. After this, sprint forward and just as you hit the jump key, press your melee button (left-click on mouse) and you'll gain some additional height and distance. You can make this even more effective by sliding just before you jump, netting you even more speed. 

It's useful for a number of reasons because of Bloodhunt's focus on vertical map design and fast-paced gameplay, meaning you'll be able to ascend the buildings more quickly and jump from roof to roof. Whether you are trying to run into the safe zone, escape from enemies, or track down opponents quickly, there are a number of functions that learning this unintended mechanic can add to your game, and will be essential to get ready for the Bloodhunt ranked mode set to come soon.

That's all for our quick primer on how to double jump in Bloodhunt, and now you should easily be able to replicate it. 

We also have a breakdown of the best Bloodhunt Blood Resonance types so you can get the most powerful buffs during gameplay. 


Tarran Stockton
About the author
Tarran Stockton
Tarran Stockton is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He started his career writing video game reviews for his college newspaper, and studied Media and Communication at the University of Leicester. These days you can find him cranking his FOV up to 100 and playing retro shooters until hand cramp sets in.
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