Horizon Forbidden West Melee Pits: Where to Find Melee Pits And How They Work

Horizon Forbidden West Melee Pits: Where to Find Melee Pits And How They Work

Written by 

Dave McAdam


16th Feb 2022 18:33

Horizon Forbidden West Melee Pits are a way to challenge yourself and get better at person to person combat. Horizon Forbidden West has players go up against many enemies, both man and machine, and one way to take part in some friendly competition is in the Melee Pits. To learn more, here's everything we know about the Horizon Forbidden West Melee Pits.

  •  Aside from the Melee Pits, another way to challenge yourself is in the Arena. For more, check out Horizon Forbidden West Arena: Where To Find The Arena.

Horizon Forbidden West Melee Pits: What Are They

Horizon Forbidden West Melee Pits: What They Are
Click to enlarge

Horizon Forbidden West Melee Pits are training areas you can find throughout the game. They are like mini-arenas, where spectator fights might take place. Head to a Melee Pit and you can challenge the locals to a friendly sparring competition. These fights are melee only, so they are a great way to get some practice in with your spear.

There are four different Melee Pits in Forbidden West, with 15 challenges to complete in total. Completing all of them and defeating the Pit Master at each one will reward you with The Enduring trophy.


Horizon Forbidden West Melee Pits: Where To Find Them

Horizon Forbidden West Melee Pits: Where They Are
Click to enlarge

Melee Pits can be found in settlements throughout the Forbidden West. While exploring the world, check for these Melee Pits in any towns or villages you come across. You can't miss any of the Melee Pits during your playthrough because they can be found in the open world, although you need to ensure you've unlocked the right combos in the Warrior Skill Tree to partake in some of the challenges.

That is everything we know so far about Horizon Forbidden West Melee Pits. If you're waiting patiently for the game to release, why not check out Ghost of Tsushima Adds Horizon Forbidden West Crossover.


Dave McAdam
About the author
Dave McAdam
Dave is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He has written for sites such as EGM, LADbible, Into The Spine, and more. When he's not writing about games for a living, he can often be found writing about pro wrestling for his sanity.
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