Halo Infinite Outpost Tremonius Collectibles

Halo Infinite Outpost Tremonius Collectibles
Images: Xbox Game Studios

Written by 

Tarran Stockton


14th Dec 2021 17:16

Wanting to find the Halo Infinite Outpost Tremonius collectibles? As the third mission, it takes place just before Master Chief wanders into the open-world, and introduces many new collectibles that are imperative to his journey. There are plenty packed into a tight space for this one, so for the rundown of all the Halo Infinite Outpost Tremonius collectibles, read on.

Halo Infinite Outpost Tremonius Collectibles Locations

Outpost Tremonius has a few more collectibles than the preceding missions, with a total of five. These are:

  • 3 Spartan Cores
  • 1 Banished Audio Log
  • 1 Mjolnir Armor Locker

Spartan Core 1

Halo Infinite Outpost Tremonius collectibles
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Almost immediately after beginning this mission, you'll run into the first Spartan Core of the game, which are an item used in the best Halo Infinite upgrades. Each one is contained in a locker with a holographic UNSC logo projected above, so watch for the green hue. 

Spartan Core 2

Halo Infinite Outpost Tremonius collectibles
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After reaching the surface and coming out of the Outpost bay, the second Spartan Core is a little out of the way. Turning left and using your grapple hook to clamber around the cliff will take you underneath part of the base. Continuing up will take you to a dead tree next to a fallen-over piece of equipment, which is where the collectible is located.

Banished Audio Log

Halo Infinite Outpost Tremonius collectibles
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If you return to where you come out of the bay, proceed down the dirt path near you until you come to a metal floor. Continuing left past that and downward a little, you'll come to a small cliff face. Next to that is a bunch of metal containers and the audio log.

Spartan Core 3

Halo Infinite Outpost Tremonius collectibles
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Turning around after acquiring the audio log and following the path upwards will take you past a fence on your left and a cliff drop on your right. The last Spartan Core can then be found a little further on, just outside a building. 

Mjolnir Armor Locker

Halo Infinite Outpost Tremonius collectibles
Click to enlarge

Lastly, as you're finishing up the mission, it will take you up toward a landing platform near the entrance to the base. Just before getting to the actual landing zone to activate the console, there is a locker located just on the right side next to a light fixture.

Those are the Halo Infinite Outpost Tremonius collectibles, but make sure to check out our guides for the other missions too:

We also have guides on the best Halo Infinite upgrades, along with Halo Infinite Valor.


Tarran Stockton
About the author
Tarran Stockton
Tarran Stockton is a Guides Writer at GGRecon. He started his career writing video game reviews for his college newspaper, and studied Media and Communication at the University of Leicester. These days you can find him cranking his FOV up to 100 and playing retro shooters until hand cramp sets in.
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