Is Gotham Knights Crossplay?

Is Gotham Knights Crossplay?
Images via WB Games

Written by 

Chris Penwell


12th Oct 2022 09:47

Gotham Knights will be bringing a new twist to the DC universe as we play as Nightwing, Robin, Batgirl, and The Red Hood. In a world without Batman, these heroes need to join together to keep Gotham safe, but will there be crossplay so you can do that with friends on other systems? We know the details.

Can You Play Gotham Knights Crossplay?

Gotham Knights Red Hood
Click to enlarge
Image via WB Games

Unfortunately, The Joker has the last laugh on players as Gotham Knights will not be featuring crossplay, at least at launch. "Cross-play support is not planned at this time," said Warner Bros. in an official Q&A for Gotham Knights. 

Although they're completely different genres, MultiVersus is a recent Warner Bros. game that actually supports crossplay. It's strange that this function hasn't crossed over into WB Games' other big release as it's such an essential feature nowadays. Fortnite, Apex Legends, Fall Guys: Ultimate Knockout, Destiny 2, and Call of Duty: Modern Warfare II all support crossplay, and if Gotham Knights does not have the feature, this games-as-a-service title will have less of a leg to stand on.


How Many Players Can Connect Online?

Gotham Knights Characters
Click to enlarge
Image via WB Games

We have some more bad news about Gotham Knights. Despite there being four playable characters in Gotham Knights, only two people can play together online. This will likely encourage multiple playthroughs, which will add to the replay value, but it's a shame all of these Gotham heroes can't play together. 

If you're planning to play Gotham Knights as a split-screen experience, you'll be out of luck. In the Gotham Knights Q&A, WB Games has confirmed that will not be a feature. "Co-op mode can only be played online with an internet connection," the publisher said.

Thankfully, if you want to play Gotham Knights solo, you don't need an online connection. You can just boot up the game and start the heroic adventure.

For more Gotham Knights guides, keep reading GGRecon.

Chris Penwell
About the author
Chris Penwell
Chris Penwell is an experienced video games journalist with a Bachelor in Communications. He loves to play narrative-focused games like Kingdom Hearts and Beyond Good & Evil.
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