Is Gotham Knights A Sequel To Arkham Knight?

Is Gotham Knights A Sequel To Arkham Knight?
Image via WB Games

Written by 

Chris Penwell


12th Oct 2022 09:57

Is Gotham Knights an Arkham Knight sequel? All the way back in 2015, Batman Arkham Knight marked the final game in the quadrilogy of excellent Caped Crusader action games. However, seven years later, a new adventure in Gotham will begin in Gotham Knights. But is Gotham Knights a sequel to Arkham Knight? Let's dive in. 

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Are Batman: Arkham Knight And Gotham Knights In The Same Canon?

Gotham Knights Arkham Knight
Click to enlarge
Image via WB Games

There has been much speculation as to if both Batman: Arkham Knight and Gotham Knights are connected in the same canon. The publisher of the game WB Games has clarified this in an official Q&A for Gotham Knights. "Gotham Knights is an all-new, original story and experience set in DC’s Batman Universe," said the publisher. "It is not connected to the Batman: Arkham games."

In fact, Batman will not be involved in Gotham Knights as he is canonically dead in this game. After his death, it is now up to Nightwing, Robin, Batgirl, and The Red Hood to keep Gotham safe. "From solving mysteries that connect the darkest chapters in the city’s history to defeating notorious villains in epic confrontations, players will confront an array of challenges as they evolve into their own version of the Dark Knight," said WB Games in the same Q&A. 


Some of the villains involved in Gotham Knights have completely different designs from their Arkham counterparts. For example, Harley Quinn has green hair and wears a white tank top. She also keeps some of her attire from prison as well. 

Something else to consider is the presence of The Joker. Some believe they have spotted him in a Gotham Knights trailer. The Joker is canonically dead in the Arkham universe, so it would make little to no sense if both Gotham Knights and Arkham Knight are connected if this is true.

Are Gotham Knights And Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League Connected?

Suicide Squad Kill The Justice League
Click to enlarge
Image via WB Games

WB Games has another DC co-op game on the horizon with Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice LeagueThis one is actually developed by the same team who made the Batman: Arkham series. From what we can surmise, Gotham Knights has no connection to Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League either. From the handy Q&A we have, we know that "Gotham Knights features an all-new original story" so it is unlikely that it connects to any other gaming property Warner Bros. has set up. In addition, the character designs of Harley Quinn from both games are drastically different. 

For more Gotham Knights guides, keep reading GGRecon.

Chris Penwell
About the author
Chris Penwell
Chris Penwell is an experienced video games journalist with a Bachelor in Communications. He loves to play narrative-focused games like Kingdom Hearts and Beyond Good & Evil.
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