God Of War Ragnarok Max Level

God Of War Ragnarok Max Level
Images via Santa Monica Studios

Written by 

Joshua Boyles


14th Nov 2022 16:53

God of War Ragnarok takes some inspiration from classic RPGs, meaning that there is a max level you can reach. Although the rebooted God of War series is mostly a linear action game, Kratos can still level up his skills, weapons, and armour by completing side quests to gather materials and earn XP. So, here's everything you need to know about the levelling system in God of War Ragnarok and how to reach max level.

God of War Ragnarok: Levelling System Explained

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If you head into the character menu in God of War Ragnarok, you'll see that Kratos has an overall level that can be increased. This number is calculated using the gear that Kratos has equipped at the time, so it will naturally increase as you play through the game and unlock better equipment.

The quickest way to level up Kratos is by completing sidequests and exploring each of the Nine Realms as much as possible. This will lead you to find additional crafting resources, Hacksilver currency, and crafting blueprints for Brok and Sindri. As you craft better gear, you will slowly but surely see your character level tick up.

God of War Ragnarok: Max Level

You can't level up endlessly in God of War Ragnarok, though. Eventually, you'll hit a level cap on both your gear and Kratos himself. The level cap in God of War Ragnarok is level 9 - this applies to weapons, armour, and Kratos.

To upgrade gear to a higher level, look for it in the crafting menu at one of the forges. Then, press the right and left triggers to advance through the upgrade tiers. If you have the right resources to upgrade your equipment, then you'll be able to upgrade your gear.

It's important to keep Kratos as levelled up as possible. Especially in the endgame of God of War Ragnarok, there are some very tricky bosses. Kratos will need all the high-level gear he can find to complete everything there is to do in this gigantic game.

For more God of War guides, keep reading GGRecon.

Joshua Boyles
About the author
Joshua Boyles
Josh is the Guides Editor at GGRecon. He has previously written for GameByte and FragHero, and loves to play the medic role in team shooters. When not gaming, he can be found putting in the miles on his road bike.
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