Genshin Impact Test Of Courage: Which Partner To Choose

Genshin Impact Test Of Courage: Which Partner To Choose
Images via HoYoverse

Written by 

Kiera Mills


23rd Dec 2022 16:23

The Test of Courage quest is part of the Genshin Impact 'Akitsu Kimodameshi' event and entails choosing amongst the roster of Genshin Impact characters to accompany you to the test. To find out which character you should choose, read here.

Genshin Impact Test Of Courage: Which Partner Should You Choose?

Genshin Impact Test of Courage Quest
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There are three rounds to the Test of Courage quest. Set in the Chinnju Forest, there are multiple teams of two put to the task of finding mystery items before the other teams. The first round will make you pick between Kazuha, Ayaka, or Gorou to assist you. The second round will have you choose between Yoimiya, Thoma, Sayu. Lastly, the third round will have Heizou assist you without a choice.

No matter who you choose, there are no direct consequences to your game. This ultimately means that you will not receive any favourable buffs for choosing one character over another. This means you are free to pick whichever characters are your favourite, with the chance to spend more time with them.  

Kiera Mills
About the author
Kiera Mills
Kiera is a guides writer, having recently graduated from university. She spends way too much time dreaming about the next God of War game.
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