Genshin Impact Masterless Starglitter: How To Get, Uses, And More

Genshin Impact Masterless Starglitter: How To Get, Uses, And More
Image Via Hoyoverse

Written by 

Hritwik Raj


7th Sep 2022 14:29

If you're playing Genshin Impact, then you might be looking for some Masterless Starglitter. As a roleplaying gacha game, Genshin Impact offers a myriad of currencies of different rarity and uses. One such currency is Genshin Impact's Masterless Starglitter; many players want to know how they can get it, its uses, and other details. The rare nature of the currency makes it hard to obtain. As a result, most new players find obtaining Masterless Starglitter a rather daunting task. This is where our Genshin Impact Masterless Starglitter guide comes in handy, as it explains how to get and use Masterless Starglitter.

Genshin Impact: What Is Masterless Starglitter

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Masterless Starglitter is one of the special currencies in Genshin Impact that players need for purchasing various resources from Paimon's Bargain Shop. It is a five-star rarity currency you cannot obtain via microtransactions and only have limited means. That aside, here is what Masterless Starglitter's in-game description reads, "Surplus Starglitter of destiny. Perhaps it can light up other corners of the universe."


Genshin Impact: How To Get Masterless Starglitter

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You can obtain Masterless Starglitter by getting duplicate weapons or characters while performing Wishes on the limited-time, permanent, or the weapon's banner. Depending on the weapon or playable character's rarity, you get a varied amount of Masterless Starglitter. Apart from that, the Masterless Starglitter you obtain from wishes by getting duplicate characters also depends on the Constellation. If the character has max Constellations, you receive an increased amount of Masterless Starglitter.

So to ensure you know how much Masterless Starglitter you get from different rarity weapons and characters, with or without max Constellations, we have prepared a handy table with all details, which you will find below.

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Type  Rarity  Masterless Starglitter Obtained
Duplicate Character (Incomplete Constellation) 4⭐ 2
  5⭐ 10
Duplicate Character (Complete Constellation) 4⭐ 5
  5⭐ 25
Duplicate Weapons 4⭐ 2
  5⭐ 10

Genshin Impact: Masterless Starglitter Uses

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As mentioned earlier, you can use the Masterless Starglitter currency to buy various resources from Paimon's Bargain section of the Genshin Impact in-game Shop. Apart from resources, you also exchange the Masterless Starglitter for playable four-star characters. The Starglitter Exchange section of Paimon's Bargain features two playable characters each month that players can get using Masterless Starglitter. 

Apart from playable characters, Genshsin Impact players can also get the Blackcliff Series and The Royal Series weapons using the Masterless Starglitter. Each month, the Starglitter Exchange gets the Blackcliff Series and The Royal Series weapons on a rotational basis. For example, this month, we have the Blackcliff Series weapons featured in the Starglitter Exchange. So, next month, we will get The Royale Series weapons. 

There is one more thing that players can use the Masterless Starglitter for, to get Intertwined or Acquaint Fate. Each of the Fate's will cost you five Masterless Starglitter. And unlike Masterless Stardust and its respective Exchange, there are no limitations on the number of Intertwined or Acquaint Fate you can get each month using the Masterless Starglitter.

This concludes our guide on how to get Masterless Starglitter in Genshin Impact. For more Genshin Impact guides, be sure to keep reading GGRecon.

Hritwik Raj
About the author
Hritwik Raj
Hritwik has been writing about video games, manga, and anime for more than 8 years. Some of his favourite games include The Last of Us Part II, Fallout 76, Apex Legends, Genshin Impact, and the Souls series.
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