How To Get To Inazuma In Genshin Impact

How To Get To Inazuma In Genshin Impact
Images via HoYoverse

Written by 

Kiera Mills


16th Jun 2022 17:06

Knowing how to get to Inazuma in Genshin Impact is more difficult than it initially sounds. Inazuma in Genshin Impact is a cluster of islands, ruled by the worship of the Electro Archon and the third major region the Traveler will come across after Mondstadt and Liyue. To find out how to get to Inazuma and which quests you’ll have to target along the way, read on.

Genshin Impact: Where is Inazuma?

Map of Inazuma Islands
Click to enlarge

Inazuma is one of the seven regions of Teyvat, each of which represents the seven different Archons. Inazuma encompasses six different islands located southeast of Liyue Harbor.

The islands are: Kannazuka, Narukami Island, Seirai Island, Tsurumi Island, Watatsumi Island, and Yashiori Island. Narukami Island is the most densely populated of the six.


Genshin Impact: When Do You Go To Inazuma?

Beido's ship sets sail for Inazuma
Click to enlarge

To unlock Inazuma, you’ll first have to activate the 'The Immovable God and the Eternal Euthymia' Archon quest and achieve Adventurer Rank 30 as it is a higher-level area in the game. Next, talk to Katheryn at the Adventurer Guild in Liyue Harbor and trigger the 'Setting Sail' quest to unlock the ability to travel between the islands and the first stage of the Archon quest. Electro character Beidou is the captain of the vessel you’ll board and an available character to recruit to your party.

Kiera Mills
About the author
Kiera Mills
Kiera is a guides writer, having recently graduated from university. She spends way too much time dreaming about the next God of War game.
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